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Where We Belong novel (Ava and Blaze) Book 1 novel Chapter 97

Chapter 97

"Do you really have to go?" I asked not liking the way I felt.

"Got to baby I don't have a choice" He whispered kissing the side of my head.

"I don't like this Blaze I don't like staying here I want to come home with you".

"Absolutely not"

"I can't stay here when there is a chance I'll never see any of my family again" Yes I had started to panic. I had no idea what was going to happen.

"Not another word Ava I mean it. We aren't talking about this anymore and you aren't going anywhere".

"I'm not staying here" I argued "I can't stay here not when I know what's going on back home".

"You are staying here" He growled taking a hold of my chin.

"I'm not" I yelled shaking my head.

"Will you just fucking listen to me for once. You aren't coming and that's the end of it. I'll come back and get you in a few days-..."

"No" I screamed pushing him away from me. "They are my family not yours I can't stay here and do nothing".

Feeling the hairs on the back on my neck stand up because of the way he was looking at me I swallowed the lump in my throat.

"You are my old lady Ava now you will take this as an order and stay fucking here" Gripping my chin hard he pulled our faces together so close our noses were touching. "Do you fucking understand me?" He hissed baring his teeth.

Not being able to help the lone tear that rolled down my cheek I shrugged him off me. "F-Fine whatever" I stuttered turning my head so I didn't have to look at him.

"Don't try and pull anything when I'm gone. The guys have been warned and surely you wouldn't want any of their deaths on your hands" he muttered whilst throwing some clothes into a bag.

"Weren't you leaving?" I snapped causing him to stop what he was doing.

"I'm doing this for you" He yelled "I want you to be able to feel safe, dammit" Running his hands through his hair he cursed a few times before taking a seat on the bed beside me.

"I don't want to leave like this Ava" He sighed before looking at me. "I'm doing all of this for you".

"Just go" I whispered

"Is this how you want this to go?"

"You tell me you're the boss".


"Don't babe me Blaze. You gave me an order and now I'm giving you one. Get the hell out of here and go do what you need to do".

"Ava I'm trying here".

"Just go" Sinking my teeth into my bottom lip I tried my best not to cry.

Grabbing my face in his hands he forced his lips on mine. Struggling to make him stop I gave in and kissed him back. Feeling his tongue run along the seam of my mouth I moaned when it massaged against mine. There was nothing soft about this kiss. Pulling on his hair with my good hand I pulled back trying to catch my breath.

"I'm doing this for you" He said again kissing the tip of my nose.

"I know" I trembled falling back against the pillows. I knew he was doing it for me but it still didn't stop me from feeling guilty. I knew the club was anything but innocent but now they are stuck in a mess with a rival club because I killed their VP. If anything happened to one of the guys it would be on me.

"This has been coming for a long time sweetheart you just helped speed it up a little" He chuckled but I didn't see the funny side of it. How could he laugh about it? People were going to die and he was laughing.

"How can you laugh?" I asked "Killing people isn't funny. What happens if one of your brothers get killed?".

"That's how it works Ava and if that happens then they'll get the send off they deserve. They know what they're getting into the minute they put on that cut. To us darling death isn't really a big deal".

"Are you kidding me right now? Death isn't a big deal? What if it's you that gets killed or my dad?. How do you expect my mom to cope if he gets killed".


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