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Where We Belong novel (Ava and Blaze) Book 1 novel Chapter 98

Chapter 98

"Or we could just knock them out?" She grinned "We are doctors and I have stuff that will knock them out for a few hours".

Okay now she was scaring me a little.

"It's just a drug that makes you sleepy and it's yours from when you just got out of the hospital. Could just slip in it some coffee and boom out for the count".

I didn't know how I felt about knocking them out but I sure as hell knew I wanted out of here.

"Just enough for a couple of hours so it gives us time to get away far enough. Forget the coffee I'll suggest I cook tonight thanking them for looking after us and I'll slip it in their dinner".

What the hell was I thinking?

"I like the way you think evil twin" She grinned getting off the bed.

Rolling my eyes I let her get me to my feet "Let's just hope it works because if not we are going to be in so much trouble". Maybe this wasn't a good idea.

Huffing she placed my arm around her shoulder "We're already going to be in trouble if we pull it off. Blaze will skin you alive and me for helping. Shit maybe it isn't such a good plan after all. Blaze scares me Ava and I don't scare easily".

"It will be fine" I said reassuring her but I think I was mainly reassuring myself.

"I hope so" She whispered as we walked into the living area.

Propping me onto the couch my eyes clocked my phone, my dead phone that had been sitting there for the pass 3 days. Maybe he had tried to call me or maybe even text. The last I spoke to him was of a burner phone.

"Ally can you please put my phone on charge and give it to me" I asked a little bit of hope rising in my chest. How could I have not charged my phone. Plugging it in she passed it to me. Immediately holding the on button I waited for the apple sign to appear on my screen.

Come on...

As soon as it switched on it didn't stop vibrating. I knew most of the messages were from Nate but I wasn't interested in them I just needed to see if Blaze had tried to phone or let me know he was okay.

"Okay girls what do you fancy eating tonight?"

"Actually Ava and I would like to cook something as a thank you for looking after us" Ally said causing me to look up from my phone.

This was it...

"A nice home cooked meal anything of your choosing" I added

"I'm on dinner tonight so it'll be a take out from down town" Tim piped up "Blaze would have my balls if you cooked for me. He is VP and you don't cater to anyone but him".

Feeling my stomach sink I couldn't help feeling disappointed. That was our only hope of getting out of here.

Guess it was going into their beer.

"If you say so" I shrugged my phone finally stopping. How many messages did I have?

"Do you need anything while I'm out?" Tim asked

Shaking my head no I started scrolling through my messages. I didn't read any because j wasn't ready to read any. I admit I fucked up I went from Blaze to Nate and back again and I know it was a horrible thing to do and it was wrong. I would deal with Nate when it came to it right now wasn't the time for him.

Hearing the cabin door swing close I looked up to see all three guys had left.

"What are we going to do now?" Ally sighed

"How do I get rid of the guilt?" I asked. It was eating me up inside and I know I said I would deal with it when it came to it but I couldn't stop feeling guilty.


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