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A Journey from Bitterness to Truth (Matilda and Yvan) novel Chapter 113

Chapter 113 

A peculiar tingling sensation raced through her body at that moment, and Matilda, feeling utterly humiliated, attempted to push back, to rebel, but Adrian pinned her down. His voice, mingling with the cool patter of rain, reached her ears, devoid of any warmth, Come on, shouldn’t we create some good memories at a time like this? After all, we’ve already laid bare our wounds.” 

You were justtrying to sleep with me?Matilda cried out, disbelief lacing her voice

Adrian chuckled mischievously. Ah, I spun a tale that moved you, didn’t I? Sorry about that: perhaps I’m just too convincing an actor, Ms. Thompson. What do you say?” 

Matilda, her cheeks burning with shame, pushed him away. Her hands trembled at her sides. She thought she had found a kindred spirit in him. But what was it all in the end? Nothing but 

an act

She laughed at herself, a bitter, selfmocking sound. She had let her guard down and confided in a stranger, and she only had herself to blame

Taking a few steps back, Matilda realized she was trapped. To step out into the rain in her current stateshe might as well be wearing nothing at all

Tears of frustration welled in her eyes as Adrian watched her dilemma with glee. He knew this woman was only resisting on the surface. Besides, going outside in her current attire would surely get her soaked, and a woman as theatrical as her would definitely care about appearances. She wouldn’t dare

But in the next second. Adrian’s pupils contracted to pinpoints as if he’d witnessed something utterly shocking. His azuregreen eyes shimmered with an astonishing beauty


Adrian shouted, reaching out to grab her, but in the next moment, his hands grasped air. The woman he was trying to hold was already sprinting outside

Her laughter, mingled with the steady drum of rain, taunted him, Adrian, you wanted to humiliate me, didn’t you? You thought I wouldn’t dare run out, didn’t you?” 

Yes, that’s what he had thought, but…. 

Matilda!Adrian called out her name again, but the woman didn’t turn back, her slender figure disappearing into the rain. Her single, soaked shirt clung to her skin, the contours of her body shamelessly outlined

She didn’t look back, not even pausing for a second

Adrian’s voice quivered with anger and disbelief. Damn it, why would she make such a choice? Any sensible woman would have chosen to stay with him

He stood frozen for a few seconds before grabbing a dried trench coat that had been hanging 


Chapter 113 

nearby, his silhouette cutting through the curtain of rain as he chased after Matilda

Catching up to her in just a few strides, he yanked her back, his voice chillingly cold and tinged with panic, Are you out of your mind? Running out like this for the whole world to see!” 


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