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A Journey from Bitterness to Truth (Matilda and Yvan) novel Chapter 114

Chapter 114 

Adrian’s ears were pierced with the shrill, penetrating cries of a woman, his arms instinctively wrapping around her, enveloping her in the warmth of his overcoat, concealing her nearly transparent, drenched blouse. He scooped her up, Matilda struggling against his grasp

Let me go!she yelled

Without a word, Adrian carried her to his car parked not far from the storefront, both drenched from the pouring rain, resembling a pair of fugitives on the lam

*Do you even realize you’re running a fever?he barked

Her body was alarmingly hot to the touch; Matilda’s complexion was pallid, but her eyes were lucid and bright. That’s none of your business!” 

Yeah, none of my damn business. I’m just a fool for pitying you!Adrian cursed as he locked the car doors and stomped on the gas pedal

Matilda pounded on the windows. Where are you taking me?” 

To get a room!” 

Adrian snapped, his temper flaring. Shut up! Keep annoying me, and I’ll crash us into a bridge, and we can die together!” 

Matilda shivered at his outburst, a flicker of fear in her eyes that only fueled Adrian’s anger. What are you staring at? Never seen a hottempered hunk before?” 

Noshe had never

The heavy downpour made the roads treacherous, and the bad weather only added to Adrian’s recklessness. Ignoring Matilda’s screams, he floored the accelerator, the car nearly drifting along the slick surface lightningfast. Countless times when Matilda thought they were about to crash into the car ahead, Adrian would swerve away at the last instant

He drove like a man with a death wish

By the time they reached the Simpson Mansion, Matilda was completely spent

Adrian carried her from the backseat into the mansion, up the stairs to the secondfloor bathroom, and unceremoniously dropped her into a tub of hot water

Can you swim? Don’t drown yourself

Adrian left her with those cold words as he went next door to change into dry clothes. When he returned, he found Matilda, palefaced, watching him. What are you really trying to do?” 

Being charitable, pitying you,Adrian said, looking much improved from before, though his hair was still a wild mess

He folded his arms and gave her a lopsided grin. You should be grateful I’m in a better mood 



now, or I’d have impregnated you a long time ago.” 

Matilda had no desire to listen to his vulgar talk

Bro, what the heck are you doing up here?Willow, clutching a bag of chips, froze in the doorway of the secondfloor bathroom, taking a step back in shock. Matilda?” 

Matilda shrank back into the water, her embarrassment tangible, unable to even greet her


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