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A Journey from Bitterness to Truth (Matilda and Yvan) novel Chapter 235

Matilda strolled back to the office with Orson, just as the office crew gathered around, buzzing with curiosity. "How'd the interview go? No snags, I hope?"

With a grin that seemed to erase the sharp barbs she'd gotten from Mia earlier, Matilda chirped, "Smooth sailing."

Orson, on the other hand, stood to the side, downing his coffee like it was whiskey before saying with an icy detachment, "Ran into a total moron."

It was the first time Matilda had ever heard Orson cuss, which felt oddly refreshing.

Yoshi perked up immediately, "Who? That influencer guy?"

Without pause, Orson headed straight for Baxter. "Whose bright idea was it to make Mia the face of the campaign?"

Baxter glanced up, nonchalant. "The higher-ups, of course. Why, planning on giving her the boot?"

Orson clicked his tongue in annoyance. "Consider her gone."

"I don't have a say in that." Baxter shrugged with a tinge of regret. "I'm just the hired help."

Orson fell silent, staring at Baxter for a long moment before resigning himself to leave and get back to his own tasks.

To Matilda, this seemed like a minor episode. She wasn't interested in tangling with Mia, seeing her as nothing more than green-eyed jealousy incarnate.

In their eyes, she was the scheming villainess, capable of betraying anything for a man's attention. Matilda couldn't be bothered to defend herself; after all, explanations are the most futile of efforts. The moment you need to justify yourself, you know that the person across from you—no matter how much they once trusted or loved you—has lost all faith in you.

True friends never need explanations.

Matilda settled into her chair and booted up her computer, diving into another round of work. But before long, she found herself unwittingly climbing the ranks of Facebook's trending topics.

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