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A Journey from Bitterness to Truth (Matilda and Yvan) novel Chapter 256

This was nothing like the bright and lively boy he used to be.

With a furrowed brow, Matilda asked him, "What's on your mind? Did something happen at school? A fight?"

Logan didn't respond. The two of them stepped into the elevator, and as the doors sealed shut, they began their slow ascent.

Logan lifted his head, his eyes dark as the stroke of midnight, so much like Yvan's, including that intense gaze. In that moment, through Logan's eyes, Matilda felt as if she were gazing into a vast, silent mechanical galaxy, with every speck of stardust spiraling into a cosmic black hole, merging into the darkness of his pupils.

He was silent, composed, shouldering a maturity and depth that seemed beyond his years.

Something must have happened, something he knew, but wouldn't—or couldn't—share.

After a long while, the boy took Matilda's hand. His slender frame seemed to hold up the world for her, a sight no one could have anticipated. In the days to follow, this five-year-old boy would stand before Matilda, an unyielding figure against any storm, as steadfast as the Rocky Mountains.

He said, "Mom, it's okay. I'm here now, nobody's gonna mess with you again."

That sentence sounded like a vow for life.


Meanwhile, in a dilapidated warehouse...

Ella's hands were tied, her body bore the marks of countless brutal interrogations, as she was bound to a chair, drenched in cold water.

A bucket of icy water jolted her from unconsciousness. She saw the dark-clad bodyguard before her and screamed, "Let me go! Mr. Boyd won't let you get away with this!"

"Release me! You dogs!"

Gone was Ella's usual grace, the facade of childlike innocence she portrayed to the world. Now, her eyes revealed a fury and venom she could no longer conceal. She yelled, "Who gave you the right to do this to me? Mr. Boyd will have your heads!"

"Mr. Boyd?"

The bodyguard let out a mocking laugh, "Mr. Boyd had you locked up in the county jail, wasn't that like keeping you safe? Falling into our hands isn't going to be as cozy!"

"That's impossible! Yvan sent me to the precinct because he didn't have solid evidence, so the law couldn't touch me! If you smuggle me out, he'll find out! You'll pay dearly!"


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