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A Journey from Bitterness to Truth (Matilda and Yvan) novel Chapter 311

The buzz of the cruise ship's music festival was still in full swing when the news of Matilda's fall into the water sent the organizers into a tailspin of worry. They came in person to apologize to her, showering her with gifts as compensation. Eventually, the big boss of the Jungle Union, Hadrian, hurried over to Matilda's side.

After a hot shower and changing into fresh clothes, Matilda was drying her hair while Luna kept her company. "You didn't catch a cold, did you?"

"I'm fine," Matilda sniffled, "really, don't worry."

At that moment, there was a knock at the door.

"Is Ms. Thompson here? We're the organizers of the festival. We heard about your unfortunate incident and wanted to personally apologize."

Matilda turned, and Luna asked, "Shall I get it?"

"Please." Matilda put down the hairdryer, and Luna opened the door to find Hadrian stepping forward. The man, though middle-aged, exuded a fierce and powerful aura that spoke of his survival through many battles.

His face bore a scar that was both ugly and intimidating, sending shivers down the spine of those who saw it.

Luna, whose brother was a commando, was somewhat accustomed to the intense presence of such men and wasn't as startled. She greeted him softly, "Mr. Crowe."

"Good evening, Luna," Hadrian acknowledged her with familiarity. Luna was the precious sister of the Wind Deity group leader, Cyprian, treated with utmost care by all. "Give my regards to your brother."

"Will do. He also sends his regards and hopes to catch up with you soon." Luna managed the social niceties well, and Hadrian turned his attention to Matilda, "Ms. Thompson, regarding the safety issues with the cruise facilities today..."

As Matilda finished drying her hair and faced Hadrian, she was initially taken aback by the scar on his face. But before she could speak, Hadrian's expression suddenly changed, revealing shock, a rare sight on a man accustomed to life-and-death situations.

"You...you..." His voice trailed off, his scar stretching with his wide-eyed expression.


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