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A Journey from Bitterness to Truth (Matilda and Yvan) novel Chapter 467

Opal had become rather prickly in her old age, feeling that after a lifetime of experiences, she had earned the right to be in charge. Whether it was Yvan or her granddaughter Rachel, everyone was expected to fall in line and heed her words.

Lynn sat quietly at the side, gingerly sipping her pigeon soup, wary of displeasing her mother or great-grandmother Opal. After they finished their meal, Opal huffed and left the room, leaving a tense silence behind.

Lynn felt deep down that Opal's concern wasn't genuinely for her wellbeing, but more about preserving the Boyd family's reputation.

Rachel, however, saw Opal's approval as a means to an end. If she could win her over, Yvan would be within her grasp. "You need to make a good impression on the old lady, make her like you, you understand?" she'd advise Lynn, who nodded meekly, her eyes brimming with confusion and sorrow.

But Rachel's moment of triumph was short-lived. Soon, a bombshell news story broke, shaking the foundations of their community:

"Was the Thompson Heiress Wrongly Accused? A Years-Old Wrongful Conviction Unearthed—The Supposed Victim Lives!"

The news headline was sensational, unearthing a plethora of details. Rachel's face turned ghostly pale as she read the report:

"Insiders reveal the woman recently entangled with Mr. Boyd, rumored to be engaged, is none other than Rachel, the former belle of the Archer family, sister to the missing Ella. Her father, Carter, was recently imprisoned for a kidnapping at a local grocery store. Why would Yvan consider marrying a woman whose father is a convicted felon? The true victim is another woman entirely!"

The story painted a harrowing picture of Matilda, wrongfully accused of murder and forced to spend five years behind bars, unable to clear her name. Upon her release, she faced societal scorn, all while the person she was accused of murdering, Rachel, lived freely without ever coming forward to absolve her.

This Rachel was none other than one of the Archer sisters, who, much like the Thompsons, faded into obscurity after their father was jailed. The tragic irony of Carter's quest for vengeance against the supposed killer of his daughter, only to realize too late that he targeted the wrong person, was not lost on the readers.

Now, as Yvan prepared to wed Rachel, the real victim, Matilda, seemed forgotten by time. But the injustice she endured demanded recognition.

Carter's misplaced vengeance and Matilda's ruined life were stark reminders of the collective guilt borne by those who hastily judged her.

The newspaper concluded with a bold statement:

"In today's world, upholding justice is challenging, but even more so is admitting to our past mistakes.

Citizens of Sea City, we owe Matilda an apology."

The article ignited a firestorm of reaction, with the community reeling from the shocking twist in a saga they thought they knew. Guilt and disbelief spread as people realized the gravity of their misjudgment.

"I used to say Matilda was heartless."

"She wasn't the murderer... Who answers for the years she lost?"


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