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A Journey from Bitterness to Truth (Matilda and Yvan) novel Chapter 468

"It's just horrific. Who in the world schemed to frame her as the murderer?"

"And what about Yvan? He hurt Matilda, and now he's planning to marry Rachel? What's he playing at?"

"Total jerk! It must be Yvan covering for Rachel, making us misjudge Matilda all along!"

"Doesn't sound right, though. Feels more like Rachel's the one with ulterior motives. After all, Yvan was once so convinced that Matilda was the culprit, he must've been misled too. Poor guy."

"There's nothing much to say! Both Rachel and Yvan are bad news! Rachel's alive, why hasn't she come forward? Doesn't she realize Matilda was jailed for a crime she didn't commit? How can she live with herself?"

"Poor Matilda, reading the full story almost brought tears to my eyes..."

The internet has been ablaze these past few days, everyone joining in on a conversation, tagging their Facebook posts with #SorryMatilda.

Clicking on the hashtag reveals tens of millions of views, with many pouring their hearts out - "Sorry Matilda, we thought you were a murderer, spoke so ill of you. I don't know what could possibly make it up to you, just hoping for smooth sailing in your life hereon."

"Matilda, where are you now? Are you okay?"

"Matilda, we owe you an apology, we were all blinded. Please, give us a chance to make it right."

Then, someone connected the dots - Matilda is Dawn, who stripped at a press conference a while back to prove her innocence, a story that had been slowly forgotten, now resurfaced, causing a stir!

Matilda had been through such indignity!

Several anonymous accounts continued to drop bombshells, pushing public outrage to its peak.

【An anonymous leaker: Matilda was pregnant at the time! Yvan cheated during his marriage, cheated with Rachel. Rachel supposedly died, and Yvan wanted Matilda to be buried along with Rachel. But guess what, Rachel wasn't dead at all. Scumbag and his mistress, both of you deserve the backlash!】

【An anonymous leaker: There's more, Matilda's actually doing quite well now, her son's a real gem, a little man, protecting his mom. That's the only gift the world has given her.】

【An anonymous leaker: If you ask me, this is all Rachel, couldn't stand the idea of Yvan going back to Matilda, so she swooped in, hoping to marry Yvan before Matilda could. But now that it's all out, her dreams of a fancy wedding are gone. In summary, what goes around comes around! Don't know who finally decided to spill the beans, but I'm thanking them on behalf of Matilda for bringing the truth to light! As for Rachel, just remember, your bad deeds will catch up to you, wishing you and your scumbag a 'happy' life together!】

This mysterious source hit the nail on the head, instantly transforming Matilda's image from a murderer to a maligned yet resilient goddess in everyone's eyes. Countless people rushed to Dawn's Facebook page to leave messages about how tough Matilda had it, enduring so much before finally seeing justice.

After reading through the comments, Matilda simply offered a serene smile, and at midnight, posted on Facebook.

【Dawn: The world has wounded me with its pain, yet I shall respond with a song.】


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