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A Journey from Bitterness to Truth (Matilda and Yvan) novel Chapter 486

Adrian could sense it too.

Yvan's expression was cold. "So, you've come to propose a partnership?"

"Since we're both aiming to protect Matilda, why don't we exchange the information we have?" Adrian's lips curved into an intrigued smile. Both men, with their devilishly handsome features, locked eyes—one pair blue, the other black, almost sparking in their intensity.

"Stop looking at me like that." Adrian felt a chill down his spine, his voice deepening, "Yvan, you've got the eyes of a wolf."

Yvan abruptly averted his gaze, tapping on the desk, "You're here just to swap stories?"

He didn't buy Adrian's goodwill for a second.

"Think what you will," Adrian shrugged. "What I've managed to dig up is that Matilda's records in Sea City have been tampered with."

Yvan was taken aback. "What kind of records are we talking about?"

"Personal identification information, birthplace, parents, all records pertaining to Matilda's origins, and anything that could prove she is who she says she is..." Adrian locked eyes with Yvan's piercing gaze, "All gone."

As if this person named Matilda had vanished from the face of the earth.

Yvan pursed his lips. "I had my suspicions too, even Logan's records were missing."

"Ever thought about who's behind this?" Adrian continued, "All these years you've been married to Matilda, haven't you noticed anything odd? Her relatives, or her parents, anything suspicious?"


Yvan shook his head. "I haven't been able to locate Matilda's parents yet, but it's beyond doubt that Matilda is a Thompson."

Adrian clicked his tongue. "Then why would someone want to erase Matilda's existence? Unless there was something fundamentally wrong."


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