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A Journey from Bitterness to Truth (Matilda and Yvan) novel Chapter 493

Back in the day, when Matilda hit a dead-end, it was Criss who threw her a lifeline. Her work eventually found significant success, and through it all, Criss became not just a benefactor but a confidant and close friend. Their bond grew stronger with time, and naturally, Matilda came to understand the nuances of Criss's sexual orientation.

"She's absolutely adorable, you know? Because she's so meticulous, she initially thought my kindness was some sort of casting couch situation," Criss said, mimicking the past moment by raising his hands theatrically. "I told her, 'God, I swear, my intentions are pure. Oh, and by the way, I'm into guys.'"

Eugene, wrapping an arm around his brother's slender waist, laughed along with Criss. "You should've seen the look on her face then—priceless!"

"How could you tease such a cutie?" Eugene chided, catching Matilda's gaze from across the room and pointing at Criss. "He's just telling me about when you two first met."

"Let's not dredge up those embarrassing stories now!" Matilda approached, cup in hand, and stood beside Criss, looking at the brothers. "You two look picture-perfect together."

Criss, with an arm around Eugene's neck, chuckled, "Do we? Though I must say, my brother here's got a slight edge over me."

Eugene shoved him playfully. "Yeah? It's quite the chore, having a gay brother. I spend half my time warding off his admirers to save my own virtue."

Their banter had Matilda in stitches. "Come on, let's sing. I'm dying to hear you."

"Well, if my darling insists—!!" Criss stood up from the sofa, ready to entertain.

Watching Criss, Matilda thought, setting aside his sexuality, he truly was an impressive man. Fashion-savvy, meticulous in his work, and unfailingly kind and harmonious with everyone. In every aspect, he was practically flawless.

Criss opted for a Fall Out Boy track, and soon, the room was filled with the electrifying sound of electric guitars. The band was a shared favorite, and as Criss cleared his throat and began to sing, his voice surprisingly complemented the music's rhythm. The room fell silent, captivated by his performance, Matilda included.


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