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A Journey from Bitterness to Truth (Matilda and Yvan) novel Chapter 494

Matilda couldn't help but think Criss was making a mountain out of a molehill. How many coincidences can there really be in the world? She was just about to tell Criss he was overthinking things when, fresh from a restroom break and washing her hands, she looked up to lock eyes with a pair of deep, dark eyes.

Matilda froze.

Yvan was just as stunned. There they were, standing at the communal sink outside the restroom, locking eyes briefly as if by some silent agreement, both taking a step back.

Then, simultaneously, they both uttered—



After speaking, they both lapsed back into silence.

Criss, who was outside, heard the commotion and walked over to the sink area. Seeing Matilda run into Yvan, his eyebrows furrowed protectively, like a mother hen guarding her chicks. He stepped forward, the tall, strikingly handsome figure blocking the way with a tone of defiance, “What do you think you’re doing?”

Yvan, however, remained coolly indifferent, as if Criss’s challenge and alertness were non-existent.

Feeling somewhat defeated, Criss knew he couldn’t just let Yvan get close to Matilda again. He grabbed Matilda’s hand to leave in a hurry, and in doing so, Matilda accidentally bumped into Yvan’s shoulder.


The next second, the woman he was holding was steadied by another man’s arm around her waist. Criss looked back to see that he had walked too fast, causing Matilda to nearly stumble, and Yvan had caught her. Like touching a live wire, both quickly withdrew their hands.

Matilda managed a tight-lipped smile, “Thanks.”

Yvan cracked a small smile too, “No problem.”

Criss, as a spectator, felt there was an odd tension in the air between them.

Shortly after, Matilda swiftly turned and followed Criss away, while Yvan stood there, feeling the fleeting touch as Matilda brushed past him, a collision brief yet enough to spark a friction as if between two colliding stars.


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