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A Journey from Bitterness to Truth (Matilda and Yvan) novel Chapter 511

"Happy Little New Year's Eve!" Chloe was the first to shout, beaming with excitement. It was a moment they all had been eagerly anticipating, the eve that unofficially kicked off the festive season, filling the air with joy and excitement. For the first time, their long-empty apartment was bustling with life and warmth.

Matilda glanced around the room, where Adrian was sharing a salmon platter with Logan, both exchanging jokes and laughter, creating a lively atmosphere. Suddenly, Adrian’s phone buzzed. He pulled it out to find a message waiting for him.

"How's she doing?"

Adrian looked over at Matilda, who was picking at the shrimp on her plate, and typed back, "Doing great, devoured the sushi, and we've popped open the red wine. Oh, and those quirky gadgets you sent over? Logan loves the reading lamp."

Meanwhile, in a high-rise across the city, Yvan stood before the panoramic window, reading Adrian’s message. A wave of relief washed over him as he placed his phone aside.

Just then, Carl entered the room, his head bowed respectfully. "Mr. Boyd, your father, Mr. Noel Boyd, invites you to join the family for the New Year's Eve dinner."

Yvan turned, his expression unreadable, and simply said, "Prepare the car."

Carl nodded, fetching Yvan’s coat from the closet. The winter had deepened, chilling to the bone. Yvan, once content in just a light jacket, now accepted the heavy coat without protest.

Carl couldn't help but notice the change in Yvan. Once vibrant and formidable, he now seemed shadowed by a profound, unsettling calm, as if carrying the weight of deep regret.

Exiting the building, Carl bumped into Willow, who immediately inquired about her brother, mentioning he was supposed to return for their family's New Year's Eve dinner but had yet to show up, allegedly tied up with a task Yvan had assigned him.

Carl was taken aback, unaware of any secret errand Yvan had for Adrian. Willow’s persistence only deepened the mystery, her frustration evident as she pressed for answers Carl couldn’t provide.

The intertwining lives, each marked by their own struggles and secrets, found themselves at a crossroads this holiday season, where forgiveness, understanding, and perhaps a new beginning were on the horizon.


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