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A Journey from Bitterness to Truth (Matilda and Yvan) novel Chapter 510

"Leave it to me, go have some fun," Godfrey nudged Matilda out the door. He glanced at Chloe playing outside, felt a bit more at ease, and then returned to the kitchen to whip up something special.

Matilda grabbed another chair to sit next to Chloe. Adrian was deeply engrossed in a heated game of cards with three others. Unable to join in, she sighed and began scrolling through her phone.

Matilda was a bit surprised by Adrian's visit on Chinese New Year's Eve, but it was such a festive occasion. Adrian showing up with gifts was a gesture too warm to refuse. After all, it was touching that he remembered them during the holidays.

While she was catching up on the news on her phone, occasionally glancing at their cards, Adrian, leaning on a lucky hand from Matilda, won a round. Chloe, while fishing out some money, grumbled under her breath, "Damn the landlord!"

Adrian couldn't help but laugh, "Hey, better luck next time!"

Criss was still a bit wary of Adrian, having seen him before at a gathering with Matilda. The way Adrian looked at Matilda was different, making Criss instinctively protective, worried that Adrian might swoop in and steal his darling away.

Soon, Godfrey presented a feast from the kitchen, just as Logan emerged from his room. His eyes lit up with excitement at the sight of Adrian in the living room. "Adrian, you're here!"

"Miss me, kid?"

Adrian ruffled Logan's hair, "I've been here a while, didn't see you greeting me. What were you up to in your room, huh?"

Logan stuck out his tongue, "Secret. So, you're here to spend Chinese New Year's Eve with us?"

"Smart cookie."

Adrian, smiling, escorted Logan to the dining table. "Brought some fresh seafood for us, ready for some sashimi?"


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