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A Journey from Bitterness to Truth (Matilda and Yvan) novel Chapter 568

Yvan settled into the chair opposite Hadrian, the tension palpable. "We've had our differences, and I know it. But right now, you're off the radar, only we know you're here in this hospital. We want to get you out. Without you, the Union feels like a sinking ship..."

It was clear as day - someone wanted Hadrian out of the picture to take over the Union!

"Mr. Crowe, I get it, you're frustrated. But believe me, I am too. My ex-wife got tangled up with the Union's affairs and has been on the run from your guys ever since. Well, not your guys per se, but Chad's."

Hadrian's fingers twitched uncontrollably at the mention of Chad. That scoundrel!

Declan, standing off to the side, furrowed his brows, "Given his current state, this is tricky. The odds of someone waking from a vegetative state are slim and..."

And even if Hadrian woke up, would he really help them?

Logan clasped Hadrian's hand, "Hadrian, she's the most important person in my life. I'm begging you to help us protect her. Please, wake up soon..."

Hadrian wanted to ask how they found him, but he couldn't speak, couldn't make a sound.

"I know you're in a vegetative state, but you can move your fingers a little, right?"


"Alright, I'll ask questions, and you answer by moving your finger. Move it for 'yes', and don't move for 'no'. Shall we?"

Hadrian slightly moved his fingers twice in agreement.

Logan's lips curled into a smile, though his expression quickly turned serious again.

"We've only got half an hour. Hadrian, I need to know, was your accident orchestrated by someone eyeing the Union's leadership?"

Hadrian's fingers struggled but moved.

Yvan and Declan exchanged looks. It was as they suspected, someone within the Union was getting restless.


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