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Forced Marriage To The Secret Billionaire novel Chapter 32


Sara watched Silas's face for a moment before she decided to tell him everything.

“ My Mom was not like them. She was just like you. A peasant as Lexingtons called her. With the smallest mistakes, she had to suffer. She did a small mistake once. She accidentally spilled juice on one of the Grandfather's great powerful business partner's wife's clothes. ” Sara spoke each word slowly as Silas's guilt grew. He raised his head and looked at her again.

“ GrandMother likes to punish people. Get on your knees and stay outside for the whole night, Bow down for hundred times, starve for three days, sit under the sun in hot summer for hours. ” Sara was in a trance, her mind travelling back to the corridors of the past.

Memories were painful and having to live them over and over again was undeniably cruel.

Silas held his breath back, listening to her. He knew there was something hidden in her heart.

He knew she was keeping dark secrets locked in her heart. Those dark secrets had the power to eat away a person's soul.

“ My mother endured all those tortures when she could have refused to do it. The most Lexingtons could do was to kick my father out but she didn't want to become the reason of my father's demise so she endured everything. ” She added and sat down on the bed, her back facing Silas now. She felt too weak to keep standing anymore.

“ When my mother spilled the juice accidentally, Grandmother let it slip in front of those guests. Until the time those guests stayed, my mother was trembling in fear. She was pacing back and forth in fear of a new punishment coming up her way. I watched her not knowing why she was so scared. ” Sara kept speaking as Silas kept his eyes fixed on her back.

His eyes slowly travelled down to her hands which were clutching the duvet. Her knuckles were turning white already.

“ Grandmother came after those guests left and said to her, You will stay outside for the whole night on your knees and my mother... ” Sara chuckled out humorlessly and her shoulders shook causing Silas's heart to twist painfully in his chest.

“ My mother followed her orders like a lost puppy. She went out and got down on her knees in the yard under the vast sky. Everyone could see her. The servants, the family members, My father and me. ” Slowly Sara's voice dropped down a few octaves and she sighed out heavily.

“ It started raining sometime in the middle of a december's cold night. She didn't move an inch. Stayed on the same spot. ” She sighed again.

Silas listened everything she was saying carefully. His heart was hurting for her. He just wanted to reach out and embrace her.

“ It was so cold that night. So cold-cold. ” Her voice sounded like a whisper of the mad.

“ My father came to tuck me in bed and watched my mother from the window in my room. He just stayed there. I watched him and he watched her. ” As Sara told Silas about her darkest memory, she couldn't help but shiver.

She couldn't help but feel the bitter coldness of that night on her skin. She could feel the fear and worry gnawing at her guts. She could feel the urge to get out of bed and run to her mother.

“ Eventually, I started feeling scared when that man...My father started to cry. He didn't know I was not sleeping. ” Sara looked down at her hands as a memory knocked at the door of her conscious mind again.

Her tiny hands were constantly knocking at a thick brown door as she screamed her lungs out.

“ I got out of bed and ran out to go to my mother. The main door was locked. The back door was also locked. All the windows, glass doors...Everything was locked. Only Grandfather or Grandmother could have it opened. ” She whispered out and turned to glance back at Silas who was listening to her with no emotion present on his face or in his eyes.


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