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Forced Marriage To The Secret Billionaire novel Chapter 39


The sound of Grandmother Eloise's hand coming in contact with Silas's cheek rang through the dead silent living room.

Sara's eyes went wide in horror and another emotion which she instantly recognized as Anger. Silas's face had turned to one side due to the strong impact. He was not moving or saying anything as Sara found herself unable to look away from him.


Sara stepped forth in a trance but then stopped before curling her hands into fists.

Remember your place or I will teach you a lesson, Grandmother Eloise had often used the same words with Sara's mother when she was alive and in the end, She taught her mother such a good lesson that she lost her life.

Tears of anger burned the back of Sara's eyes but she forced herself to stay still on her spot.

Aunt Aria found courage after getting Grandmother Eloise's supports. “ How dare you touch me?! Don't you know how to respect the elders? ” She had instantly taken part in this humiliation session for Silas who was silent.

He slowly looked up at Grandmother Eloise who was fuming in anger. He gritted his eyes just as his eyes met hers. This family had crossed all limits. They were down to hitting each other now.

“ It's enough! ” Grandfather Magnus finally stepped in before things could escalate further.

Blinking his eyes to push the anger back, Silas instantly turned around and found Sara already staring at him. Her eyes were dull and empty like it didn't affect her at all. Silas felt pangs of hurts shooting in his heart.

Was she ever going to love him? Feel for him? He guessed the answer was no. It was always going to be like this and eventually he would get tired.

He averted his eyes away from hers and stormed out of there, leaving her behind.

Sara's mind was frozen after she saw the look of hurt flashing in Silas's eyes. Did he think it didn't affect her at all? He was wrong.

It did affect her but she hadn't even stood up for herself in this house, how was she supposed to fight for him? She had tolerated everything...

Every. Single. Torture.

She had endured it all, hoping to get the opportunity to pay them all back in the end. She had lived with this hope and she had worked for only this purpose.

Eventually, Sara broke out of her trance and looked up. Surprisingly, she looked straight at her father and her breath was knocked out of her lungs.

Dad had done the same to Mom. This was the thought which crossed her mind right away.

Her father had never stood up for himself, for her mother, for her. He had always kept quite and he had just endured everything.

So was she becoming who she despised? She looked away from her father and turned to look at Grandfather Magnus instead.

He was saying something - something Sara was unable to hear anymore. Silas's eyes flashed before her eyes once again and she found herself gasping for air hidden to everyone's eyes.

It was suffocating. They were repeating the history again but this time, Sara was playing the role of a person she had despised throughout her life.

“ You must take on Alexander Project from tomorrow Sara. ” Grandfather Magnus was saying this when Sara finally managed to recover her hearing.

“ Sure Gra-Grandfather. I - I don't feel well after everything. Can I - Can I go home? ” Sara's voice rarely broke but she was finding it hard to speak in front of everyone right now.

Grandfather Magnus shot her a look of disapproval but in the end, he took pity on her because her face was really turning red just like her eyes. “ Go home. ” He ordered in a grim tone.

“ Thankyou Grandfather. Goodnight. ” Sara blurted out with great difficulty and turned around to leave.

“ Teach your husband some manners Sara or I will have to teach him a lesson again. ” Grandmother Eloise had sneered from behind her but she had not bothered to give her a reply.

How Ironic. Grandmother Eloise had never regretted her actions even after Sara's mother had lost her life because of her.


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