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Forced Marriage To The Secret Billionaire novel Chapter 48


When Sara noticed Silas finally walking toward her, she sighed out in relief. For a moment, she thought he was going to leave her like this.

She guessed, she was wrong about him once again. Nothing new, anyway.

Silas kept walking until he was standing by her head. Sara craned her neck back to look at his face but the pouring rain was not letting her keep her eyes open when she looked up.

“ I hate rain… ” Sara mumbled under her breath, her voice disappearing behind the loud pitter – patter of rain.

“ What’s your problem now? ” Silas pursed his lips, his eyes narrowing down to glare at her.

She looked weird like this. Her clothes were soaked just like her body and hair that were sticking to her face.

Silas refrained from looking at her for more than a moment. It was always dangerous looking at her.

Earlier, Grandfather Albert tricked him into meeting her saying that he wanted him to meet a girl of his choice.

Silas knew Grandfather Albert too much to not realize that the girl of his choice would be Sara because he knew about her meeting him a week ago.

So, he asked his PA to send someone else in his place while he sat in the cabin beside her own. He saw her when she came and got angry at the impostor.

For a moment, his heart skipped a beat seeing those dark circles under her eyes. She seemed distressed and he didn’t like it one bit.

But the thing was…

She was not his problem anymore. She wanted him gone and he did what she wanted from him.

It’s over. He had repeated this over and over again in his mind when he left the hotel. It made him unexplainably sad.

He just wanted to walk and walk and walk with no destination in mind but he never expected this crazy woman running behind him all the way here.

And as expected, Sara was still careless. She hurt herself chasing him down.

“ Are you going to keep glaring? Are you not going to help me up? ” Sara hissed at Silas making him break out of his trance.

Shaking his head, he pushed his wet hair away from his forehead. He was feeling frustrated already.

“ Why should I? ” He questioned in return.

Sara stuck out her bottom lip as tears pricked her eyes once again.

“ I am cold and hurt… ” Sara admitted truthfully, her wide eyes trying to see Silas’s face.

“ Why should I care? ” Silas’s voice softened as he tried not to look at her face.

She was so good at getting what she wanted. His heart was pleading him to just pick her up but his mind was refusing that idea.

“ Don’t call my name again. ” Silas spat angrily and began walking away from Sara.

Sara blinked her eyes, shocked at his changed behavior. He just came to tell her that he was not going to care? He was such an asshole.

She wouldn’t call his name ever again if he didn’t turn back and came to her right now.

She just watched him. Still.

The rain kept pouring, making her shiver. The pain in her foot was dull but it was there not letting her get back up on her feet.

‘ I am cold and hurt… ’ Her words nagged him continuously.

He stopped at some distance finding himself unable to move forward or backward. This was such a frustrating situation.

He had cared about her for so long that it was impossible to not care anymore. His love for her was never – ending.

Turning around, he sighed out and walked back to her silently. The ego could rest for a while because he could never leave her like this.

Sara bit her lower lip to hide the smile which threatened to grace her lips. Silas wouldn’t leave like that, she knew. He couldn’t leave her after all and he was feeling bitter about it.

Only the noise of the rain hitting the ground was heard.

Silas bent down and pushed his right arm under her knees and he coiled his left arm on her waist before picking her up easily. She weighed nothing. Was she even eating? Silas wondered as he sneaked a glance at her.

Sara immediately snaked her arms around his neck to seek some warmth while her eyes remained fixed at his stoic face.

Their eyes met and Silas looked away first, making Sara smile at his efforts to avoid eye – contact.

Ignoring his frown, Sara rested her head against his shoulder. This felt weirdly nice.

“ I will leave after getting you home. ” He grunted, displeased with the turn of events.

No matter how much he walked and walked and walked, he always ended up right here – by Sara’s side.

“ Mm. ” Sara hummed, closing her eyes.

“ Where is your car? ” He questioned, not wanting to take his own car to her home.

“ In the hotel’s parking, I guess. ” Sara breathed against his neck and tightened her hold around his neck.

“ Don’t cling to me. ” Silas grumbled and started walking while Sara ignored what he was saying all along before she tightened her hold even more.

Silas carried Sara back to the hotel and found her car. He sat her down on the passenger’s seat before taking the driver’s seat.


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