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Genius Doctor's Fifth Young Miss novel Chapter 1074

"They arent there? But arent there many red dots on it?" Little Seven asked.

"They should be blue. The red dots dont represent them." Sima You Yue said.

"It should be because theyre too far away. Thats why they dont appear." Wu Lingyu said,

Sima You Yue sighed. With a wave of her hand, she kept the piece of paper away, saying, "Then we can only go and look for them right now and see if we can find any opportunities along the way."

"So which direction should we head towards? If we walk in the wrong direction, wont we end up even further away from them?"

Sima You Yue had no idea where they were either, so she looked over to Wu Lingyu in question.

"Old Ape?" Wu Lingyu looked over to Old Ape.

Old Ape closed his eyes and sensed his surroundings for a moment before pointing in a certain direction and said, "Theres a weak reaction coming from over there."

The Zong Zheng clan and those from the Ying Yang Palace were all using the blood from Old Ape, so he could sense them a little.

"Then well head there!" Sima You Yue said to Ximen Feng.

Ximen Feng nodded before instructing those from Heartbreak Valley, "Head towards that direction!"

The Sparrowhawk clan, Four Winged Rocs and the Egret clansmen were the flying beasts for the group this time. If it were any usual time, they would not have agreed to carry humans on their backs. However, they were now one clan and so it was not a point of contention.

They flew towards the southeast direction, but although the rocs could fly a few tens of thousands of metres a day, even after a few days, they did not see a single person.

"This wonderland is huge! We havent seen a single person even after so long!" Little Seven sat crossed-legged beside Sima You Yue, her chin rested on both hands.

Sima You Yue saw the red dots that had appeared on her paper earlier on, saying, "We are very far from everyone else. Its possible that its because we came out from different volcano entrances."

The others went to squeeze into the various teleportation arrays while they came down a silver rimmed one. That was probably the reason why they were further away from the others.

"It seems to be the case. At that time, the place we were at was a huge empty plot of land. It was unlike the other places that were densely populated with red dots." Ximen Feng said.

"Places like those will definitely be filled with slaughter. Being further from the group gives us a bit more time." Bi Sheng said.

"Those who landed close to each other Im afraid that they would have already started fighting." Feng Kai agreed.

"Those who come out of the average little realms are already dying to go back in, much less needs to be said for this kind of wonderland containing the devil realm and ghost realm." Feng Kai said, "Im afraid that many people will die."

Sima You Yue thought about the slaughter that happened the previous times in the past. She herself had led men to exterminate those from the sage pavilion and the Cloud Cave. Seeing Ximen Fengs eyebrows, she recalled the icy expression that he used to have and wanted to tease him. She said rather emotionally, "I wonder how Xiang Yi and the others are doing. If they encounter their enemies, I wonder if they will be able to survive it smoothly. Sigh, In the past, my bees even told me that there are a group of people who specialise in assasination. Theyre so powerful. I wonder if theyve encountered them already or not"

After hearing her say that. Ximen Fengs eyebrows furrowed deeper.

Nothing better have happened to her!

"Yue Yue, youre so mean!" Little Seven giggled.

Ximen Feng only now looked over and saw the teasing glint in Sima You Yues eye. Only then did he realise that she was intentionally causing him to worry.


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