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Genius Doctor's Fifth Young Miss novel Chapter 1182

Sima Liu Feng’s heart was indeed filled with regret. He had not yet gone with Sima Liu Yun to find Sima Liu Xuan, neither did they bring Sima You Yue to blind the eyes of those damned old coots. There were many things he still wanted to do.

It was fine if they didn’t do it, but thinking about how Sima Liu Yun now had to do it all alone and that he couldn’t get to see the stupid faces of those blind old dogs, his heart ached!

He suddenly reacted. He said earlier on that he wanted to blind those old dogs, but didn’t that mean he was a dog as well?

His contracted beast knew what he was thinking and couldn’t help but roll its eyes.

“Master, go with the young miss. We will help buy you some time.” One of the guards said.

“Have you forgotten what I said when we first established ourselves?” Di Zhe threw the question back, “I’ve said it before, I will be with you guys to the end. I will never let you sacrifice yourselves for me.”

He, Di Zhe, was not a good person. Towards anyone else, he would kill with no hesitation. In the ghost realm, it was simply because he would kill without holding back that his name was infamous.

However, towards people he walked alongside, he respected them. Whatever he promised back then, he would fulfill!

Those guards did feel rather touched when they saw this. Although Di Zhe’s reputation was bad, this was the reason why they were willing to follow under him.

“Master, it’s better for you to go! We”

Sima You Yue rolled her eyes, saying, “We’re already at this stage but you’re still pushing things here and there, aren’t we wasting time?”

“You Yue, hurry up and go. Why are you still staying here?!” Sima Liu Feng saw that Sima You Yue hadn’t yet taken out her temporary teleportation array, but instead took out a little door and urged.

“If the blood bats are too powerful and you take too long to leave, we’ll all get exterminated. You should hurry and leave.” Di Zhe agreed.

Sima You Yue blinked before she turned around and looked behind them, “The blood bats are here.”

The blood bats came closer and they were already able to see their ugly faces.

“Hurry up and leave!” Di Zhe pushed Sima You Yue back, then took out his weapon. He turned around, wanting to go into battle with his guards.

A blinding light overtook the place and enveloped everyone. Before they managed to send out their attacks, they disappeared. By the time they came back to their senses, they were in a different place.

The sound waves of the blood bats had just been released as they got closer, but then they suddenly disappeared. If it were any other time, they would have stayed around to check it out. This time, however, they flew off without even looking back.

It didn’t seem like they were looking for a fight, but that they were running for their lives.

As for the people who saw this sudden change in environment, they only now realised that they had been saved.

“Where is this place?”

Sima You Yue came out and said, “This is my little realm. We can stay here for a while. Those blood bats should leave once they can’t find us.”

“You actually had a place like this, so why didn’t you say so early? You actually caused us to worry so much and think that we’d be unable to escape from the calamity.”

“Didn’t you guys keep saying in the beginning for me to go?” Sima You Yue said, “I was wondering whether or not to listen to your instructions! You know I’m really obedient.”


For some reason, they just couldn’t find which part of her was obedient. They just saw her sneaky expression.

She just saw their worry.

“I just didn’t want to see you guys so worried.” Sima You Yue explained, “Exposing this in front of you all takes a bit of courage. If someone starts coveting this, wouldn’t I have rescued an ingrate instead?”


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