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Genius Doctor's Fifth Young Miss novel Chapter 138

: Everyone's shock

"Okay, if you are really able to tame a Saint Beast successfully, we will fully supply the Sima Clan with Spirit Beasts during this period of time. We will even gift it for free." The Vice President said, "If you are unable to tame the Spirit Beast, we of the Beast Tamers Guild will still help you, it's just that we will charge you at cost price."

"Okay." Sima You Yue nodded her head, "However, I just have a tiny request."

"Say it."

"I want a Public Beast Taming." Sima You Yue said.

"Public Beast Taming?"

"Right, it would be best if it were a place filled with people, something like a public square would be perfect." Sima You Yue replied.

The Vice President thought about it before understanding what Sima You Yue planned to do. If he had managed to tame a Saint Beast in front of everyone, his standing in the Dong Cheng Kingdom could rocket immediately. Everyone who was thinking of preying upon the Sima Clan would naturally retreat. It would even allow him to rely on his own name, attracting a few Spirit Masters.

"Okay. Then I'll get my men to go and settle it. We'll head to the public square at the capital in a moment to tame the Spirit Beast publicly!"

As those men went off to make the preparations, the Vice President brought Sima You Yue to take a look at the Saint Beast that just arrived.

A second Ranked Earth Bear beast was locked inside a cage. When it saw that someone had come, its eyes flashed with malice.

"Second ranked Saint Beast?" Sima You Yue asked as she recognised the rank of the Earth Bear beast with a single glance.

"The mental strength of this Earth Bear beast is rather high. Although it's at second rank, it's not any easier than taming a third ranked Saint Beast." The Vice President said.

"Mm." Sima You Yue looked at the Earth Bear beast that was in the cage without a single care about the results.

At this time, two little manservants entered and bowed in greeting to the Vice President, saying, "Vice President, we are here to bring the Spirit Beast over."

The Vice President nodded, saying, "Go. Be careful."


The two of them walked over and picked up the cage and left. Although it was in it's small form, the physique of this Earth Bear beast was nothing to look down on.

"We will head over as well." The Vice President was the first to turn around and leave after he finished speaking.

Sima You Yue took a step forward, thinking to follow after him, but was pulled to a stop by Wei Zi Qi.

"What's up?" She looked at Wei Zi Qi with confusion.

Wei Zi Qi pulled her closer, whispering, "You Yue, do you really know how to tame this Earth Bear beast? This is a second ranked Saint Beast, you know. If your taming is unsuccessful, you will receive severe backlash."

"You should relax. When have I ever done something that I was not assured of?" Sima You Yue smiled as she turned around and followed the Vice President out the door.

Wei Zi Qi looked at Sima You Yue's retreating back, and sighed as he followed after her.

Although he knew that she was always confident, and able to do the things that she said she could do, wanting him to believe that she was a Great Beast Tamer Master was something that he could not do completely.

When Sima You Yue and the others arrived at the public plaza, she saw that there was a multitude people all around. The plaza was so packed that not even a single drop of water could squeeze through. When they heard that someone was going to publicly tame a Spirit Beast, everyone ran over with extreme curiosity.

Shi Mo Li and Nalan Lan just happened to walk past the public plaza. When they heard that it was someone from the Beast Tamers Guild that was going to tame a Spirit Beast, they simultaneously came down from their horse carriage, coming to the centre of the public plaza to see who it was that was doing things so extravagantly.

"Make way." A guard opened the way for the Vice President and the others and everyone naturally opened a path when they saw that it was the people from the Beast Tamers guild.

Although this Vice President rarely made an appearance, the people in the imperial capital still recognised him. Seeing that Sima You Yue was following behind him, many were incomparably surprised, with no idea what they were going to do.

The Vice President brought Sima You Yue to the centre of the public plaza, where an Earth Beast bear was placed inside a cage.

"How do you find this place?"

Sima You Yue took a look at the people around them. It wasn't bad, the influential powers had all come, Furthermore, the people from the Beast Tamers guild worked extremely quickly. Not only did they manage to attract the sea of people. They even set up boundaries, keeping the rowdy people in the area outside.

"Very good." Sima You Yue said.


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