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Genius Doctor's Fifth Young Miss novel Chapter 1589

The stone chamber is large, but there is not much inside, or in other words, there is very little inside, only the sarcophagus in the center, and ... a skull and an iron rod next to the sarcophagus.

That iron rod needless to say, it should be the other half of the hook. Because the guy flew out of her hand as soon as he entered here, and fell directly to the iron rod.

At the same time, Shimen began to close slowly, and Sima Youyue recovered from the horror. A teleportation came to Shimen.

It's dangerous ... it was almost locked out again.

She patted her breast, looked at the hook that finally calmed down on the ground, and looked back at Shimen.

Although the power had covered her whole body just now, she could feel that it was only when she felt the hook that she let her in.

Just now, as soon as the celestial halberd came in, the stone gate was about to close, which also proved this.

She walked over and first picked up the other half of Hooking Heaven Halberd. Alas, this iron rod-like thing was not so close to Hooking Heaven Halberd, she really couldn't see what was good.

"Well, the two of you are finally reunited now. When I can master the level of the machine, I will combine you into one. Now go back and rest."

She will receive Hook Sky Halberd in the Soul Tower and find the other half and it will never be more upset.

Sima Youyue shook her head. The secret way in her heart was indeed the artifact used by the emperor. Even if it was not as good as the soul tower, it was very spiritual.

When she picked up the iron rod, she was tripped over by a bone on the ground.

Until death, this person held the iron rod tightly ...

She looked at the corpse on the ground and looked at the coffin, and decided to study the guy on the ground first.

Don't know how this person died? There was no weapon on the ground. Looking at his bones, he had not been injured or poisoned before he died, as if he had died suddenly.

However, this is not necessarily the case, she is not a professional autopsy, and I am not sure why.

But at one point she was sure that the death of this man must have something to do with the owner of the tomb.

Danger in this stone room!

She put away this man's space ring, and wanted to use the sense of intelligence to find out, but found herself blocked.

Even after so many years of death, the body has become bones, but the consciousness has not disappeared. Thinking of this, she was stunned.

This person's cultivation must be very powerful, but he died silently, indicating that the danger here is greater than she thought.

She watched the surrounding area with vigilance, the empty stone room was clear at a glance, and she felt again that there was no space to isolate it, indicating that there were no institutions on the wall.

She opened her eyes, her eyes full of doubt, and then she turned her eyes to the only sarcophagus here.

She didn't believe that this person would die here for no reason, and there was no institution here. The only possibility was that the sarcophagus was in danger.

If the body of the emperor is lying here, then this is not impossible.

She stood still, hesitating.

The people on the ground were so powerful that they did not escape in the end. Can she resist it?

No need to think, the answer is definitely no.


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