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Genius Doctor's Fifth Young Miss novel Chapter 1703

Sima Youyue did not expect Donglai to show such great sincerity. They knew she wouldn't treat them if they didn't mess with her, so try to show their sincerity.

Perhaps, they also understand that if Sima Youyue insists on going to the island, they can't stop it.

The mayor took them to an inconspicuous courtyard. There was a huge teleportation array in the middle of the courtyard. After the three of Youyue reached the middle, he injected spiritual power and started the formation.

"An Lei really found a good place to go ... if the lady can have her like this ..."

The words that followed were drowned in long sighs.

Sima Youyue arrived at Donglai Island, and the guardians of the teleportation array were somewhat surprised to see someone coming over, but when they saw An Lei, they regained their alert posture.

"Miss Youyue. The owner has invited me." A man in charge came in from the outside and took time, apparently the family had heard of her coming here.

"Please lead the way." Sima Youyue saw the steward's attitude was okay and smiled politely.

The Donglai family built a huge palace right in the middle of Donglai Island. Sima Youyue followed the person to go directly to the biggest palace, and saw the Donglai family owner and his wife waiting there.

They are also the parents of Donglai Li.

"Miss Youyue, please sit down." Dong Laili's father waved at Sima Youyue, motioning for her to sit at the bottom.

Sima Youyue and Sima Liuxuan, as juniors, saluted them, and sat aside.

"You are Sima Youyue." Dong Laili's mother was more indifferent, and she was somewhat uncomfortable in the face of the murderer who killed her daughter.

However, she did not intend to apologize to them for this matter, because the wrong person was not her. If Dong Laili did not want to kill her, she would not be dead.

She is effect, not cause.

"I don't know what Guiyou did when I came to my island this time?" The owner of Donglai asked.

"Actually, it's simple. An Lei wants to take her mother's grave out. Now that she has followed me, her mother's grave will naturally move out. So I also want to ask the owner and wife of Donglai for a convenience. Sima Youyue spoke out.

The lady in the house looked at An Lei, An Lei seemed to be very afraid of the house lady, but that glance made her body shrink involuntarily.

"Is this just the thing? Hahaha, such a trivial matter, you can only allow An Lei to come, why do you have to take this trip in person!" The owner of Donglai laughed.

Sima Youyue gave him a blank eye in his heart. If only An Lei were to come, maybe there would be no return?

"I've been idle at home recently. It just happened to come out. Although An Lei came to me in the name of my daughter-in-law, but I and her sympathize with her. I naturally have to accompany things like moving tombs. She comes. "She laughed.


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