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Genius Doctor's Fifth Young Miss novel Chapter 2055

Wu Lingyu understands her worries. She had many things at first. If something happened again, her pressure would be too great.

Although he did not mean to be responsible for Fuxi, Youyue felt that he had come to find him specially and felt responsible for him because of some things. Since she had decided so, he had to do it for her.

However, the demon world has been asking him to go back, and the situation there is indeed not easy, and even he himself does not know if he can drag it to Youyue to get the four-way God's Seal.

He wanted to tell her the whereabouts of the Sifang Seal, but even if he said that, she would still go back to the ghost king to verify the authenticity of the Northern Seal, and go to him to get the Eastern Seal. It would be better to let the ghost king tell her together.

Fuxi didn't know what the two were thinking. He was still immersed in the battle just now and said excitedly: "Yuyue, you use thunder and lightning to harden me and make my body much stronger. When you just fought, you didn't watch To me ... "

He excitedly described to them the fighting just now, but the two ignored him completely, so he talked to himself. Later, Sima Youyue didn't bother to ignore him, and asked Di 99 to ask the result of the battle: "99, how is your situation there?"

"Two brothers died and thirty were injured, two of them were seriously injured." Di 99 answered.

This casualty is rare in this case.

"Give them good elixir and let them take a good rest. We will return to Emperor Capital after they are injured." Sima Youyue said.

"Okay." Because he was seriously injured, Di Jiu 99 also planned this way.

"In addition, you have to check it again and see if you can find out more. Blue River has been operating here for so many years. It should be more than just these people we see. We need to dig deeper."

"Yes, little princess."

Because it is necessary to trace their whereabouts in the cold wind, the people brought by Di 99 are good at tracking. Otherwise, there would not be so many people checked out in the Blue River in such a short time. Just give them time and they can dig deeper.

In the early morning of the next day, Xiao Yan came to Sima Youyue, worried that she would be injured in the battle last night. Seeing that Sima Youyue was better, she asked her to continue to teach herself to cook.

Later, Sima Youyue was in the inn. The shopkeeper and Xiao Er fled, and they occupied the place in a grand manner. She usually conditioned the body for the cold wind and listened to the news from Di 99's report. The rest of the time was basically teaching him to cook.

Xiao Yan knew that Sima Youyue hadn't stayed here long, so she kept teaching, he kept learning, and wanted to learn more dishes before she left.

And when Sima Youyue was teaching, she also considered the cold wind of their bodies, and chose some dishes and porridges that have conditioning effects on their bodies. I also wanted to take this opportunity to give them a good conditioning.

This is cheaper for the cold wind. Both the dishes made by Sima Youyue and Xiao Min are delicious. These dishes are finally put into their stomachs, making them lose weight and grow severely. meat.

On this day, when Sima Youyue and Xiao Yi were cooking in the kitchen, Xiao Yi talked about three honorable ones. Sima Youyue asked him how he made such a big noise in the Underwater City, why no one asked.

"Xun and Xu Wu opened their mouths to another venerable, let him ignore these things, and know your identity, so he opened one eye and closed the other." Xiao Yan explained.


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