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Genius Doctor's Fifth Young Miss novel Chapter 252

: Wipe out

By the time Sima You Yue recovered, everyone had more or less finished the contracting process and were waiting for her.

"You Yue, have you recovered?" Sima You Yang was sitting beside her and, seeing that she had woken up, beamed at her and asked.

He gave Sima You Yue a scare, and she replied, "What's up with that evil smile, what evil are you scheming?"

"What evil scheme, I just wanted to ask you about those few foxes"

Sima You Yang had yet to finish speaking when Sima You Yue immediately stretched forth a hand to squeeze his mouth shut, saying, "Those are Thousand Resonance's clansmen. Don't you dare have any ideas about them!"

Sima You Yang took her hand away, saying, "I don't have any ideas about them, I merely wanted to ask That time, when you made those fox dishes, did you make it out of them?"

"How is that possible! Those were the ones I fought after the mountain." Sima You Yue retrieved her hand, stood up and said, "Since everything has been done, let's leave this place. I'll keep the array first."

She kept away all the raw materials. Those were raw materials that were extremely hard to come by. She couldn't waste them.

"Let's go, we'll continue to look for the legacies." She looked at Vulture and Goshawk, letting them cool down Why did she have a feeling that they were the legacy?

Although everyone already had a flying beast, they still sat on Little Roc's back. He still had his glorious title of 'The Fastest'.

Little Roc brought them across the field and flew past the mountains, all the way until they saw a few of their own clansmen. Then, he landed on the foot of a mountain.

"Grandfather mentioned before that there are many legacies here." Sima You Yang said.

"Then let's enter the mountain and look for it."

Everyone hopped off Little Roc's back, and a few of them first went over to the other members.

"What are you all still doing outside, are you not entering the mountain?" Sima You Lin frowned as he asked.

"There are many Divine Beasts in the mountain. We don't dare to go in." A member said.

"There are Divine Beasts!" Sima You Yue's eyes started to shine as she stroked her chin, "Why don't we clean them out? Do you know how many Divine Beasts there are?"

"Quite a few."

"Oh, why don't we first keep those Divine Beasts before going to look for the legacies?" Sima You Yue looked at Sima You Lin as she asked.

In any case, she didn't have any blood relations for the Sima Clan, so she wouldn't be able to obtain those legacies. She might as well help the Sima Clansmen grow stronger so that old fox would have nothing to say.

Sima You Lin was the number one person who represented his generation. It was natural that he would make decisions for everyone. It was also important for them to increase in strength, so he agreed with Sima You Yue's idea.

He let those who had come here already lead the way, and the group of them gradiosely went to look for those Divine Beasts.

When those people heard it, they were really terrified. However, they relaxed when Sima You Yang and the others called out their own Divine Beasts, and took them into the mountain to look for those Divine Beasts.

Five to six Divine Beasts were currently cultivating by the river side. When they saw that people had come, they wanted to scold them when they realised they had been surrounded by a group of Divine Beasts themselves.

"Are you going to surrender on your own, or wait for us to beat you until you surrender?" The youth who led the way was extremely brazen.

"What are you that you dare to speak to us this way?!" The Spirit Beast leading them replied coldly.

"Boss, those birds look like they were from the yellow fields." A Divine Beast who was standing behind said."

"It really is those guys, how did they end up together with the humans?"

"You ask me, but how would I know?"


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