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Genius Doctor's Fifth Young Miss novel Chapter 29

: "Spirit Beast Egg Selection"

Whenever Sima You Yue wasnt in a good mood, she liked to eat..and eat. Hence tonight, the table was full of various dishes.

Fatty Qu didnt need anyone to call him over, he had followed the waft of fragrant food trail and ran over himself. Very soon, Wei Zi Qi had also ran over on his own.

"Have a look and see if Bei Gong Tangand Ouyang Fei are in. If they are, ask them to join us." Sima You Yue who was still cooking at the side shouted over to Fatty Qu.

"Alright!" Fatty Qu stole a mouthful of food before he headed off.

Wei Zi Qi originally thought that even if Bei Gong Tang and Ouyang Fei were in, they wouldnt come. To his surprise, both of them had appeared in front of the table.

"Both of you actually turned up. What a miracle!"

Bei Gong Tang shot a glance at Wei Zi Qi, before washing her hands and sitting down by the table. She didnt utter a single word as she sat quietly and waited for everyone.

Ouyang Fei looked at Wei Zi Qi and said, "Fatty Qu said that the food here was more delicious than the school's canteen."

Sima You Yue started plating the other dishes up and placed them on the table. By this time, Little Roar had already finished eating and had went outside for a walk.

"Since we all live in the same courtyard, we should interact more with each other. See? Having a meal together is very nice as well." Fatty Qu said.

"Can you cook?" Bei Gong Tang asked coldly.

"No." Fatty Au answered very seriously, but he turned and laughed out loud. "Dont we have You Yue with us?"

Sima You Yue looked at him coldly but didnt object.

"Tomorrow is day of the Spirit Beast Egg Selection." Ouyang Fei interjected.

"Spirit Beast Egg Selection? Hmm? Whats that?" Hearing this for the time, Sima You Yue asked.

"Spirit Masters can contract their own Spirit Beasts, you should know this as well?" Fatty Qu said.

She nodded.

"In general, Spirit Masters and Spirit Beasts contracts have their limitations. The stronger the Spirit Master, the more Spirit Beasts they can contract with. Students like us who have just initially stepped into the world of Spirit Masters are only able to establish a contract with one Spirit Beast. However, with a Spirit Beast Egg, its a totally different story. Some students dont have distinguished family backgrounds and have never contracted any Spirit Beasts prior to this. So upon selecting a Spirit Beast Egg during this selection, they are able to choose their own Spirit Beast to establish a contract with. However for those students who already have a Spirit Beast contract, with a Spirit Beast Egg, it doesnt take too much Spiritual Energy and they can also establish another contract." Wei Zi Qi patiently explained.

Sima You Yue nodded yet again with an enlightened expression. "So its a gift from the Academy to the students"

"You can put it that way too, but you still have to pay attention to certain aspects of this Spirit Beast Egg Selection."

"Pay attention to certain aspects?"

"The Spirit Beast Eggs are also have their own grades, they have high and Low level grades. Although the odds are relatively Low, but if you are able to select a high level grade egg, in the future, when it's out,you'll be contracted to a stronger and more powerful Spirit Beast."

Sima You Yue bit on her chopsticks and asked: "why are they all in eggs? What about those mammals?"

"Those mammals are also kept in the Spirit Beast Eggs, its just that the eggs are illusionary." Wei Zi Qi added. "Ive heard that these Spirit Eggs are from a very mystical place. No matter what animal it is, you can only see an egg. Furthermore, all the eggs have exactly the same appearance. If the egg you chose has a mammal in it, the egg will disappear."

"That has got to be some trick behind it. Or else why do all the eggs look exactly the same? What is the reason behind it?" Sima You Yue asked as she began Analysing.

When Beigong Tang heard this, she looked up at her.


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