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Genius Doctor's Fifth Young Miss novel Chapter 3


Chapter 3: Enemy Encounter-

Yue Er, dont be upset, the matter of revenge can be put on hold. More importantly, wait till youve fully recovered and let your brothers escort you along when you go and to take your revenge. See who dares resist then! Whoever dares to resists will face their wrath, you can slowly savour the taste of returning those imbeciles the favour and beat the living daylights out of them! Sima Lie heartily said when he saw that his dear granddaughter had not spoken a single word since and thought that she was still angry. This was his manner of coaxing her.

However, Grandfather, are you sure this is the right way to coax anyone? Wasnt this just digging a deeper pit than previously? Such encouragement would just spell more trouble for the future. However, in the past life, she was an orphan and after hearing the encouraging words of Sima Lie, she felt a warmth emanate from her heart.

So this is how it felt like to have family..

Within minutes of eating the bitter medicinal pill, the immense pain she previously had all disappeared and within half an hour, all her injuries were fully healed! It was the first time she had experienced such a miraculous feat! This opened a whole new door of curiosity to this world she was now in.

Grandfather, this stuff is simply amazing! Sima You Yues eyes sparkled as she sat up. She felt rejuvenated and full of life!

Haha, yes, not bad at all. He chortled, nodding happily as he looked at her with an affectionate gaze. Sigh.. if only someone from our family was an alchemist then you wouldnt have had to suffer so long. Even getting this one pill took a bit of trouble.

Dont we have some alchemists working for us? Sima You Yue asked indignantly, werent they the Generals Residence, what were some mere medicinal pills to them?

We have hired a few and but only have stashes of the common grade tier one pills and only a handful of tier two pills. However those tier two pills we possess are not meant for healing, which was why I had to go to Master Shi and specially request for that tier two pill from him. He looked apologetically at Sima You Yue. Sorry, its all my fault. Tsk, but if it wasnt for my fiery temper that caused a rift between our residence and the alchemists in the city, it wouldnt had taken such a long time. Sorry you had to bear such pain for so long. He looked down and said in a self-deprecating tone.

Grandfather! Please dont blame yourself, if you want to blame, its all those alchemists own fault for being annoying and unlikable! Since you do not like them, I also do not like them! If I do become an alchemist one day, Ill slap them in the face and show them what true alchemy is!

Haha, well then, I shall be looking forward to that. He laughed in glee.

However, none of them seemed to have remembered at that moment, that one has to first be able to cultivate in order to be an alchemist. To concoct a pill, spiritual energy is used on the pill furnace and an alchemist requires one to not only sense the spirit energy but to have excellent control over it as well. Sime You Yue was not even able to sense a shred of energy, what more to fire a pill furnace with spiritual energy?

Due to the effects of the medicinal pill her grandfather got for her, Sima You Yue recovered quickly. The next morning, the curious and lively Sima You Yue went out alone to explore the streets.

Although she has memories of this place, she still wanted to see with her own eyes what this new world of intrigue was like.

This world is really amazing! Sima You Yue exclaimed in excitement. After visiting a couple of streets, she stopped in front of a shop which had on display a multitude of spirit beasts and gasped in shock when she saw one talking.

Oh, is this not Fifth Young Master? Please come in Fifth Young Master! What would you like today? We have a few new Spirit Beasts in store today! Would you like to have a look? A amiable shopkeeper stepped forward to warmly welcome her, evident that he was familiar with the Sima You Yue.

She quickly searched her memories for a moment and realized why that shopkeeper gave her such a warm welcome. Indeed, the Sima You Yue before often patronized this store and bought spirit beasts and gifted them to various Young Masters around town to please them.

Since she did that on a regular basis, she quickly became well acquainted with this shopkeeper.

Fifth Young Master, please have a look at our latest arrivals. We have here, a fifth low-ranked firefox. We also have a sixth low-ranked wind wolf. How is it? Quite good, arent they? The storekeeper smiled as he introduced the spirit beasts that were locked up in the cages before them.


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