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Genius Doctor's Fifth Young Miss novel Chapter 346

It took a while before everyone was able to regain their senses after the shock.

"I really never thought that this world was that big." Wei Zi Qi rubbed his chin, sighing. Thankfully they had decided to come out back then, if not they would have always only known that small place called the Dong Chen Kingdom, and forever remain ignorant of the outside world. Sima You Yue was able to absorb the new information better, because she had known about the endless universe before.

In the universe there were many tiny planets that even people at the present time are unaware of. Other for those that were already discovered and seen, there were still many other planets in the great distance. There could perhaps even be other life forms outside of their planet! Even if we raised the Sun as an example, and using the Sun as the centre, the planets that were known of included Mercury, Venus and the other eight major planets, a few hundred known moons and perhaps even a few billion little bodies like tiny suns. And how many galaxies there were in the universe would be impossible to know for sure. It felt like the Primordial Lands had their own sun, and the other Capitals were from another galaxy, orbiting around their own Sun and owning their own moons.

The world was indeed larger than we can comprehend! This is the conclusion that Sima You Yue got out of what she had heard. But, no matter how big the world was, their world would always be in their hearts. For their worlds would be as large as their hearts could embrace it.

As she thought about that, she started to calm down and continued cooking her porridge.

Wei Zi Qi and the rest were also slowly accepting the information. It was definitely because they have spent such a long time with Sima You Yue that they were now able to accept things more readily.

"No matter how big this world really is, all we can do now is strengthen ourselves and become more powerful." Fatty Qu said, gathering his hands in a fist.

"That's right, we can only rely on ourselves to be able to see the rest of the world." Sima You Le nodded in agreement. Sima You Yue saw that they were not overwhelmed and discouraged by what they had heard, and nodded in satisfaction.

"The porridge is ready."

She put out the fire, and Beigong Tang and the rest took out their own bowls to get a bowl of the food, and had a hearty meal along with the vegetables that Beigong Tang had cooked as well.

"The food you cook is really delicious. I ate so much roasted meat that my stomach's all bloated. If I had known that there was more to come I would not have eaten so much." Guo Liang rubbed his round stomach, saying.

Guo Pei Pei looked at her brother helplessly, and gave him a light punch. How could someone be this embarrassing? But it was true that this night's meal was the best meal she had ever had in her life. The Guo Family had also eaten their fill, and had never eaten this much before.


Suddenly, a howl came and awakened the full and sleepy bunch. Everyone got up and looked in the direction of the howl.


Not long later the sounds of a fight were heard, and although it was rather far away, they all felt a sense of impending doom and fear.

"Looking at the ruckus, there must be at least two apex Spirit Paragon spirit beasts fighting one another." Guo Pei Pei remarked.

"It's coming from the heart of the mountain." Sima You Yue said.

"Looks like there are many treasures, which is why this place attracts so many parties for battles and fights over them." Guo Pei Pei said.

"How do you know that there are treasures here?" Fatty Qu asked.

"I have once gone to another small country, and this small country and similar rules - only those who had not reached the apex ranks of spirit paragons could enter. At that time I saw many aboriginal spirit beasts, and they normally do not attack people unless they felt threatened." Guo Pei Pei said.

"You've been to other small countries?"


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