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Genius Doctor's Fifth Young Miss novel Chapter 70

: Returning to Pu Luo Mountain Range

"Master Feng, what are you doing here?" Sima You Yue saw Feng Zhi Xing's silhouette so she paused to ask.

This was a little road that lead to the living quarters and would rarely be used by others. Especially since it was relatively early in the morning, there was nobody on the road. It was completely unexpected for Feng Zhi Xing to be waiting here for her.

"Waiting for you." Feng Zhi Xing looked at Sima You Yue as he said indifferently.

"Is there anything wrong?" Sima You Yue saw how calm Feng Zhi Xing was and so her disturbed and violent heart also gradually calmed down.

"Ouyang Fei came to find me yesterday to tell me that you all will be leaving the school today." Feng Zhi Xing said.

Sima You Yue didn't think that they would be leaving so quickly but she thought of how she had already held them back by quite a few days so Ouyang Fei and the rest must definitely be anxious.

"Yeah, they said that they wanted to leave a little earlier." She nodded her head.

"Their mission this time is the most difficult one. It also has the highest degree of danger, you have to take care of yourself." Feng Zhi Xing said.

"I will. Many thanks for your concern. If there is nothing else, I will take my leave first since they are still waiting for me." Sima You Yue scratched her cheek as she smiled and explained.

"Go then." Feng Zhi Xing waved his hands. Upon seeing Sima You Yue leave, he mumbled, "She has the smell of blood, what has this girl done this time?"

"Master, are you able to rest assured, letting her do her mission together with those people?" A voice sounded in the distance.

"What is there to be assured or not about, if she wants to go then let her go. Experience is very good for increasing one's strength." Feng Zhi Xing said as he unhurriedly left the little road.

When Sima You Yue returned to the living quarters, the other four had already been prepared and were just waiting for her.

"Zi Qi, didn't you say that we would be waiting for two days? How come we're in such a rush?" She pulled Wei Zi Qi to ask as she saw the four of them who were ready and waiting for her.

Wei Zi Qi looked helplessly at Ouyang Fei and said, "I initially thought that in light of his injury, we would let him rest for two days to tend to his wounds. However, he's the one who insisted so we couldn't say much. Have you packed your things?"

"I have everything I need on me!" Sima You Yue waved her interspatial ring as she gleefully said.

"Then let's move out." Wei Zi Qi clapped Sima You Yue on the back as he turned to the three of them to say.

The pressure surrounding Ouyang Fei's body was as low as it was yesterday. Hearing what Wei Zi Qi said, he wordlessly walked out of the courtyard.

"Let's go." Bei Gong Tang said indifferently as she also walked out.

The three of them, Sima You Yue, Fatty Qu and Wei Zi Qi shrugged their shoulders before following after them.

"Oh right, Zi Qi, you all still haven't told me what our mission is about!" After following them to the Spirit Master Guild, Sima You Yue finally realised that she had been so busy cultivating and practicing alchemy that she had totally forgotten to ask about anything regarding this mission.

Wei Zi Qi slapped himself on the forehead before saying in vexation, "I can't believe I'd forgotten to explain the mission to you. Our mission this time is to harvest a few pill ingredients."

"Pill ingredients?" Sima You Yue was shocked. Couldn't they just buy the needed pill ingredient from the pill store, why did they have to go and look for it.

"Actually, looking for this pill ingredient is just the cover up for our mission." Fatty Qu explained, "While under pretense of looking for whatever pill ingredients, these are only found in the Pu Luo Mountain Range. The main thing the Academy wishes for us is to develop our skills and increase our experiences."

When she heard about the Pu Luo Mountain Range, Sima You Yue felt a bit of regret. She had only returned back for a few months but she had to go back there again.

"Let's go then, we have to go through a Teleportation Array to send us to a capital near Pu Luo Mountain Range." When it was their turn, he paid the fees for the five of them and told the servant girl the name of a certain city.

"Salt City, five people." That servant girl said as she received five wooden signs and gave it to Wei Zi Qi, who handed it out to everyone.


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