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Genius Doctor's Fifth Young Miss novel Chapter 704

Third Aunt Du blew the whistle three times. Everyone waited for two minutes, but nothing happened.

Master, does the whistle do anything? Little Wu asked.

It should. Third Aunty Du said tentatively, At that time, I already made arrangements with them. If something happened, this would be our signal. I tried it twice after that, and it worked both times.

But youve already been blowing it for such a long time, but nothings happened. Could it be that its no longer here? Bei Gong Tang said.

I cant say for sure. Ive been on good terms with them for over tens of years. I hope that nothing has happened to them. Let me try again. Third Aunt Du said worriedly.

After speaking, she blew it again.

Somethings happening. Sima You Yue looked towards the peaceful lake as she spoke.

Just as she spoke, a little head peaked out from the lake, looking at them warily before noticing Third Aunty Du and dashing out of the water.

Third Aunt is here! The little body came out from the water, and it was actually a round little silkworm egg. The spirit silkworm immediately rushed over.

Fatty, what are you doing in the water? What about the others? Aunty Du asked as she held on to him.

Third Aunt, Third Aunt.

Third Aunt, were here!

Third Aunt is here!

Little spirit silkworms started to appear from out of the water, and the lake was immediately filled with a horde of spirit silkworms.

So many spirit silkworms!

Everyone was incredibly surprised when they saw how many silkworms there were.

Little Xin, Little White, why did you all go inside the water? Third Aunt asked.

Third Aunt, there have been many people in the forest, and many of our neighbors have either been caught or killed. The Queen told us to enter the lake and lay low to hide. It was a good thing that we hid in time. A lot of people came after that and it scared us to death. Little Fatty said while spinning two circles around Third Aunts hand.

Where is your Queen? Sima You Yue asked.

Queen is still in the water. She is expecting another young one, so she is currently giving birth. Little Fatty said, Queen said that the spirit baby she is nurturing will be very powerful once it is born!

These silkworms can be born underwater? Fatty Qu was confused as he asked Sima You Yue.

Where is this place? Sima You Yue glanced at him.

Umm..Dark Forest?

Where is the dark forest?

Ancient Primordial lands.

In the Ancient Primordial Lands, is there anything strange about a spirit silkworm that lives in the water, being born underwater? Is there any reason to make a fuss about it?

Thats true. Fatty Qu rubbed his head, Even ringed silkworms can survive in poisonous lands, so there should be nothing strange about spirit silkworms surviving in the water.

Oh no! Oh no! A tiny human-like figure came out from the water, shouting loudly.

Did something happen?

Queen- the Queen cant give birth! Shes growing weaker and cant hold on much longer! The little humanoid cried out anxiously.

What! The silkworms in the water and the humans on land all cried out. The spirit silkworms all immediately wanted to dash downwards, but were stopped by a force.

Queen cannot handle so many visiting her at one. A tiny bearded humanoid, one foot tall, came out from the water. He was the one who stopped everyone.

Grandfather Sun, how are things now?


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