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Pampered By My Mr. Lawyer novel Chapter 58

Chapter 58 Benjamin, I Want to Make You Happy

Benjamin wasn't angry at all.

He chuckled lightly and then walked into the cloakroom to fetch his clothes for a shower.

Madelyn heaved a sigh of relief and continued to chat with Vivian.

She didn't want to talk about Benjamin, so she asked, "What's the other news?"

Vivial replied after a while of silence, "Our school wants to arrange a reunion party for alumni. I heard that it was Elizabeth who proposed this. This bitch had some selfish intentions and proposed to invite alumni of Geliville University."

Geliville University?

Daniel graduated from Geliville University, so undoubtedly, Elizabeth would invite him.

Madelyn wanted to refuse it when she learned this.

Vivian was also angry. She lashed out, "This bitch won't get enough of it. She likes to be a homewrecker and plots openly or secretly, but I'm fine with it. But why does she insist on forcing others to bless her? As far as I'm concerned, she's targeting you. She's telling many people that you don't dare to attend the party because you've been dumped and you're unemployed now."

For this kind of people, Madelyn just wanted to ignore them.

She told Vivian that she would consider it and then ended the call. When she looked up, she saw Benjamin standing at the door of the bathroom wrapped in a bathrobe. His good figure was pleasant to the eyes.

Madelyn couldn't move her gaze away.

Benjamin walked toward her while drying his hair with a towel, leaned forward, and said with a chuckle, "Reunion party for alumni? That's an event for extramarital affairs."

Madelyn softly bit her bottom lip and retorted, "I'm unmarried."

"But now you're mine." Benjamin pressed his prominent nose against hers and said in a low, seductive tone.

Madelyn suddenly thought she was wasting time when she was in love with the other man.

It wouldn't be a loss for her to have an affair with Benjamin.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and deliberately asked in a soft voice, "Shall I report to you in advance?"

Benjamin gave her a reward as a reply.

They rolled on the bed for a long while. In the end, Madelyn set her chin on his shoulder and said softly, "Indeed, I haven't decided on it yet. But I've decided on one thing."

"What's that?"

Madelyn cupped his handsome face and said with her breaths light, "Benjamin, at this moment, I just want to make you happy."


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