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Planned Baby novel Chapter 63

“I was the one who killed your parents. I was the one who causes the accident.”

“What are you saying?”

I was so worried when Ulie suddenly passed out after he was shouting for pain. I immediately call the ambulance.


The first person that came out of my mind was Quen. I called him and told him about what happened.

“How is he?” Queen said as soon as he arrived at the hospital.

“The doctor said that he is stable now. But they will run some tests to find out why he was suddenly in pain.” I said.

“What happened? Where were you again when Ulysses was suddenly in pain?” Quen asked.

My hand was still trembling from fear. Thoughts came through my mind. Is Ulie sick? If yes, is he aware of his sickness? Is he going to be okay?

I was back from deep thinking when I felt Quen’s hand on mine.

“Ellie relax. Ulysses will be okay. Can you tell me now what happened?” Quen asked me again.

I heaved a sigh before I answered him. “We were in my parents’ mausoleum. He was fine when he arrived until we reach my parent's tomb. He even uttered my parents’ name and then he touches his temple then he was already in pain.”

I saw Quen flinched and his face paled. He clears his throat. “He went to your parents’ mausoleum?”

My forehead creased. “Yes, why? Is there any problem? Is he not allowed to go there?”

Quen averted his gaze. “That- that’s what I meant. I was just surprised that for many years he just visit them now.” He said a bit uncomfortable.

I was confused by his reaction but I just ignore it.

“Ulie was always busy in the past years. He was either out of town or out of the country. We all know that this month is the peak season for hotels. He intentionally cleared his schedule today for him to pay respect to my parents.” I explained to him.

Quen still looks uneasy. “Oh, I see.”

End of flashback

“I already remembered everything. All my lost memories.” Ulie confessed.

“What exactly do you remember?” I asked trying my best to be calm even though my hands are shaking.

I don't know if I’m ready to hear it, but I know I should hear it. It involves my parents’ death.

“I- I was... I was on my way to your graduation.”

“You were what? How did you know about graduation?” I asked more confused.

“I told you, I was in love with you, I was denying it to myself because I was afraid that if ever we couple and our relationship didn't work out, then I will lose you forever. But when you left, I feel so empty. I felt like you bring my heart with you. I can't fool myself anymore. I love you and I can’t live without you.”

I know I should feel happy hearing this from him but I can’t. I was so eager to know about my parents. Why did he say that he killed them? What really happened on that day?

“I look for you. I even hired an investigator just to find you.”

My eyes widen. Is he that eager to find me?

“Then why didn’t I see you nor talk to you when I transferred school?” I asked.

I know for sure that if he really hired an investigator, he will definitely find me.

“Because your mom requested it from me,” Ulie answered.

My forehead creased again. “Why she will request you that?”

“Your mom told me about the seasons of life. As per your mom, you were devastated when I broke your heart. It took you months of crying every night before you finally decided to forget about me and move on in your life.”

“This is your mom's exact message on me... ‘I want you to realize that season of learning is very crucial. I want you and Penelope to focus on your current season, which is learning. Love can wait. And if you really meant for each other then you will end up together. Trust God and trust His timing.’ It was so clear to me.” Ulie added.

“I give in to her request because I know that it is what’s best for you. And I want you to achieve your dream. I don't want to be a hindrance to you. That’s why I waited.”

“And then? What happened to my parents?” I asked.

I don’t want my feelings for him to take over what I feel right now. I want to know exactly what happened to my parents at that time.

I was in denial of what’s happening at that time. Even though their dead bodies are already in front of me. It took me years to finally accept that they are already gone and I was left alone.


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