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The Billionaire and His PA novel Chapter 26

“Where is who?” Cassie asked right back, deciding to play dumb.

“Felix Callahan,” Sapphire replied, rolling her eyes. She pulled the key out of the door that she had locked and slipped it into the pocket of her coat.

Cassie held up her hands in mock ignorance. “I have absolutely no idea who that is.” She declared with the straightest face she could muster. “I think you might be in the wrong office.”

Sapphire glared at her. She hated to be made a fool of. “I know this is his office. His name was on the fucking door and only someone who is a billionaire would be allocated an office that looks like this.” She waved her arms around. “And besides, this place has the same decoration theme as his house. So don’t try to play dumb with me, bitch. I know that Felix works here and I know that this is his office. So just do me a favor and bring him out from wherever you might be hiding him.” She demanded.

“No can do Sapphire. Felix is not in at the moment so if you could just go back home and make an appointment with him rather than storming in here, that would be great.” Cassie said. She had decided to give up on playing dumb; Sapphire clearly knew what she was talking about. She could, however, try to convince the woman to head back home.

“No can do,” Sapphire said, in a mocking tone that Cassie assumed was Sapphire's imitation of her voice. She started to walk toward Cassie and only stopped walking when she was almost nose-to-nose with Cassie. To her credit, Cassie stood her ground and refused to back down. “I’m going to wait right here until he decides to show up.”

Cassie started to wonder why no member of Tech Town’s security team had shown up yet. Surly Annalisa would have alerted someone to an angry woman running into the elevator and forcing herself into the CEO’S office.

“You can’t…” Cassie began.

She never completed her sentence. Her eyes trailed toward the giggling door handle. Someone was trying to get in! But unfortunately, Sapphire had locked the door after she had entered.

There was a loud knock on the door. “Miss Peters. Are you in there?” The burly voice of a security guard whose name Cassie couldn’t remember asked.

Cassie stepped away from Sapphire but didn’t turn her back to her. The woman was obviously crazy. Who knew what she would do if Cassie wasn’t observing her, even if it was just from the corner of her eye? “Yeah. I'm here.” She shouted back.

“Well, would you mind opening the door?”

Before Cassie could walk towards the door, Sapphire grabbed her hand roughly. “Don’t you fucking dare! That door only opens if Felix is on the other side.” She snarled as she flopped down on Cassie’s chair.

Cassie snatched her hand back from the woman. “That’s going to be an issue. There’s another lady in here with me. Her name’s Sapphire; I’m sure you’ve already heard all about her from Annalisa. Anyways, Sapphire is saying that she’s only going to open the door if Mr. Callahan is on the other side.” She explained.

“Cassie?” Felix’s voice came from the other side of the door.

“Uh yeah?” Cassie responded. As he always referred to her as Miss Peters, she was surprised he knew her first name.

“Please tell that bitch in there with you to stop being childish and open the door.” He demanded.

Sapphire gasped loudly. “Well Cassie, please tell that man out there that I might consider opening the door if he apologizes for calling me a bitch.” She spat loudly enough for everyone on the other side of the door to hear.

Before she could say anything, the sound of Felix’s sarcastic laughter came from the other side of the door. “Cassie, please tell that bitch that she has fewer brain cells than I thought if she thinks that I’ll apologize to her. She’s been harassing me with phone calls for weeks now. The balls on that bitch! Storming into my office, locking the door, and making demands. If she thinks that I’m going to apologize to her for telling the truth, she must be out of her mind.”

Sapphire crossed her arms and turned her back to the door. Cassie was immediately reminded of the rare situations when she had to settle arguments between Lily and Aaron. “Okay then. I’m not opening the door until he apologizes.” She huffed.

With Sapphire's back turned, Cassie took the opportunity to sneak towards the door. “Mr. Callahan, Sapphire’s pretty adamant about not opening the door. She’s pouting in a corner as we speak.” She whispered. Sapphire either didn’t hear her or chose to ignore her.

“Maybe it would be best if you just apologized to her.” A voice Cassie didn’t recognize suggested.

“I’m not apologizing to her,” Felix stated firmly. “Can’t you open it from your side?” He asked Cassie.


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