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The Billionaire and His PA novel Chapter 48

Considering that she had injured her leg, Felix hadn’t expected Cassie to show up to work the following Monday. He hadn’t said anything about giving her a couple of days off due to her injury but he had expected her to be absent from work for at least a week. He was quite surprised when Cassie shuffled into his office on Monday morning, a fresh bandage wrapped around her leg and a cup of black coffee in her hand for him. He accepted it without a word and went back to work.

After Cassie handed Felix his cup of coffee, she shuffled to her table and booted her computer. As usual, Felix had neglected to thank her when she brought him a cup of coffee. She guessed that he had forgotten his magic words over the weekend and that apologizing to her was nothing but a once in a blue moon event. Cassie found herself a lot less bothered about his lack of a ‘thank you’, than she initially was. She attributed it to the fact that whenever she came back from getting Bethany’s ridiculously complicated meal orders, she would undoubtedly find something to complain about; from things that Cassie had absolutely no control over (like when she had complained the kiwis in her fruit salad that were cut too thinly) to things that no one in the right mind would even think to complain about (like when she had complained that the brioche crab melts had tasted too much like crab). Felix’s thankless silence was a lot more welcomed than Bethany’s thankless grumblings.

Cassie massaged her leg after lowering herself on her chair. Her leg still aches whenever she puts too much strain on it but the wound was healing up quite nicely. If she heeded Rose’s aloe vera advice again, the wound would probably leave only a faint, barely visible scar just like the one on her forehead. She got to work, answering Felix’s phone calls and confirming his appointments. Both Amanda and Isabel had completely freaked out when they had seen her limping with a bandage around her leg. Cassie had explained how everything had gone down and regretted it immediately when Amanda started nagging her to file a complaint against Luther and Isabel began to tease her mercilessly about how good it must have left to her hot boss – Isabel’s words, not hers – tend to her injured leg. In Cassie’s opinion, nothing would come out of a complaint against Luther. She had watched him bitch-slap and intern and he had been escorted to his very plush office by security.

Lunch time rolled around quickly. She had looked forward to this particular lunch for a long while. Over the weekend, Cassie had realized that apart from Daniel, Annalisa, Marcus and a few other individuals, she really didn’t know anyone else at work. She didn’t count Luther and Emerald as part of the people she knew from work as they were horrible. During her first week of work, she had been so completely consumed with Felix’s errands and then during her second week, she had been even more consumed with Bethany’s errands that she barely had time to get to know her colleagues. She intended to rectify that before the end of the week.

“I’m going out for lunch, Mr. Callahan.” Cassie announced as she scooted out of her seat. “Would you like anything?” Hearing herself ask Felix what he wanted for lunch, Cassie thought of how she could never voluntarily ask Bethany what she wanted for lunch. Bethany had the amazingly infuriating talent of making something as simple as getting lunch unnecessarily difficult. Getting lunch for Felix on the other hand was too easy. He asked for simple things that Cassie could get from within Tech Town, like a sandwich or a salad.

Felix barely looked up from his computer. “You know that just because you got my mum lunch doesn’t mean you have to get me lunch too.”

“I always get you lunch.”

Felix finally looked up from his computer and even from where she stood, Cassie was able to see the dark circles under his eyes. Did he even get any sleep throughout the weekend? He stared at her blankly as he tried to comprehend what she had said. He had completely forgotten that she never failed to ask him what he wanted for lunch when she was going out to get hers. He remembered thinking that it was really nice of her. “You don’t have to do that. It’s not part of your job description.” Felix said drowsily. He stared at his empty mug. He had downed the coffee Cassie brought in for him but was already starting to feel sleepy. Forty-eight hours without sleep would do that to a person.

It was Cassie’s turn to stare at him blankly. She had no idea that she wasn’t supposed to get him lunch. That was what she got for getting her PA advice from just one website and a ton of movies. “Oh. Well, I’ve already started getting you lunch and it’s not like I have to go to a separate location to get your lunch. So it’s fine. Would you like me to get you anything?” She asked again. Something told her that if she didn’t get Felix lunch, he wouldn’t leave his desk to get it himself. She didn’t particularly like Felix but in her opinion, no one deserved to be holed up in an office – no matter how richly furnished – throughout the entire day, slaving away in front of a computer.

“Another cup of coffee would be nice.”

Emboldened by the fact that he had diverted his attention back to his computer, Cassie rolled her eyes at him. “You can’t have coffee for lunch, Mr. Callahan. It’s not good for your health.”

Felix pursed his lips. The words in front of him were beginning to muddle and he needed more coffee if he was going to get through the day. He didn’t have the time or strength to argue with Cassie. He wasn’t above begging to get coffee. “Please, I am begging you. Just get me a cup of coffee. I don’t even care if it’s lukewarm as long as it’s coffee.”


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