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The Billionaire and His PA novel Chapter 49

It wasn’t until Friday that Cassie had to leave the office for something other than getting lunch for herself and Felix. All throughout the week, her schedule had fallen back into the same rhythm before the arrival of Bethany. By the time she got to work, Felix would have already been seated behind his desk working. After Cassie handed Felix his cup of coffee, she would then turn her attention to her own computer until it was lunch time and leave the office to get lunch for herself and Felix. Although they both had lunch in the same space, none of them would ever call what they did having lunch together as they both sat at their respective tables wordlessly nibbling at their food. After her lunch, Cassie would go back to her computer until it was time to go home.

Often, Cassie wondered what time Felix got to and left work but she daren’t voice her questions to him. He might not have been as horrible as his mother but there was a professional gap between them and Cassie didn’t think it would be professional to ask those questions. They weren’t friends. He was her boss and she was his employee.

An hour before lunch on Friday, Felix surprised her by announcing that they would be attending a meeting together and that she was expected to take minutes of it. Cassie cringed at the announcement of the meeting as she remembered what had happened during her first and only meeting. Would Luther and Emerald be there?

Felix must have noticed the face she made because he turned to address her as he shrugged his jacket on. “You have nothing to worry about, Miss. Peters.” He said as he began to button the jacket. “Although Luther would most likely be present at the meeting, he is not the one that would be coordinating it so writing the minutes won’t be a waste of your time.” He assured her.

Felix wasn’t informing her about Luther’s possible presence because of the minutes, he was informing her because he recalled their encounter in the hallway a week ago. He knew that Cassie had worn long sleeves up until Wednesday because Luther’s strong grip on her hand had left a mark. He knew from childhood experience just how badly Luther’s grip hurt. His mentioning Luther to her was so that she could mentally prepare herself to seeing him again. He didn’t know the full story of what had happened that day but he knew with every fiber of his being that Luther was at fault in the matter.

Cassie gathered up her things, including the glittery pink pen with the obnoxiously large pompom on top of it that was strangely starting to grow on Felix. When Cassie stood up, she wobbled a little and was quite surprised when Felix made her steady. When she regained her balance, Felix cleared his throat and headed towards the door.

After a quick look using the front camera of her phone, Cassie scurried after him. She was determined not to have any boogers in any of her nostrils that would let her make a detour to the bathroom and cause her to be late to another meeting. She was determined to do everything in her power to make the meeting go on perfectly from her own end. On her first day of work, Felix had informed her that she was on a two week probationary period, after which she would get her permanent staff ID and key card from HR. She didn’t know whether the time she had spent at Tech Town would be counted as two weeks or three as although she had worked in Tech Town for three weeks, she had only worked for Felix for two weeks. She didn’t know who to ask her questions. Just to be safe, she decided to wait until the next Monday to go to HR to get her permanent staff ID and key card.

She shuffled into the elevator after Felix just as the doors were about to shut. A few minutes into the elevator ride, the elevator music was interrupted by the sound of a vibrating cell phone.

Felix looked down at Cassie’s vibrating pocket. “Answer the call Miss. Peters. So that whoever’s calling wouldn’t also distract you during the meeting.”

Multiple apologies left her mouth in a rapid succession as Cassie dug her phone out of her pocket. She just knew by Felix’s tone that he absolutely would not tolerate her messing up the meeting. And yet, here she was. So much for things going on perfectly from her own end.

She shuffled as far away from Felix as the elevator allowed and brought the phone to her ear. Once Cassie picked up, multiple sounds flooded her ears – the ringing of a siren, the blaring of horns and the faint crying of a child.

“Hello. Is this Cassie Peters?” An unfamiliar voice asked.

“Yes. This is her.” Cassie whispered into the phone. “But I’m at work at the moment so if you could please just call back later today, that would be really nice.” She said and then made to hang up.

“No. I can’t call back later today. This is urgent. My name is Ms. Blake and I’m calling from Dartwell Elementary.”

Cassie pressed herself closer to the wall. She recognized the name of the other person in the line. She was speaking to the twins’ teacher. She had never gotten an urgent phone call from their school before. Panic suddenly gripped her. Has something gone wrong? “Is everything okay?”


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