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The Billionaire and His PA novel Chapter 64

With combined effort from the twins, Cassie, and Felix – which at the end of the day, was mostly effort from the adults as Aaron and Lily were more concerned with making bubbles than doing actual work – half of the ink had been removed from the walls. Isabel had left a little while after Cassie had woken up as she had to make it to her Hair Glam for her shift. At just before midday, they had started taking turns going into the shower, starting from the twins and then Felix. When Felix had slipped into the shower, Aaron and Lily began hounding Cassie for breakfast so she had paused her scrubbing to attend to their needs.

Snowflake followed her around as she was rifling through the cabinets and fridge trying to think up what to prepare. The twins weren’t really picky eaters and would mostly be fine with cereal or leftovers but she had no idea what to expect from Felix. Whenever she went to get him lunch at Tech Town, he usually asked for a sandwich or salad, none of which she had the ingredients to make. She didn’t know his list of food allergies or whether he even had food allergies and she didn’t want to take the risk of accidentally killing her boss in her house so that cancelled out a couple of options she had. The only thing she knew for sure that he’d want and that she had was black coffee. The brand of coffee she bought was nowhere as fancy or expensive as the kind that was served at Tech Town and she had to make hers by boiling water and then filtering out the coffee grounds as if she were making tea rather than using a swanky coffee machine but it was the only option she had.

She was putting water in the kettle when she realized that she had an option for Felix’s breakfast. Apple cinnamon waffles! It was what Felix had ordered when he had come into The Bean House with a red-haired teenage girl way before she had started working at Tech Town. It felt like ages ago and Cassie had no idea how she had even managed to remember his order but she was glad that she did. She had everything that she would need to make them except for apples but he could do with just cinnamon waffles. She moved around the kitchen measuring and mixing ingredients while all the same trying to avoid stepping on Snowflake who kept getting in between her legs in excitement.

As Felix was still in the shower, the first two batches of waffles had gone to Aaron and Lily. She had been eating the more shapeless and slightly burnt waffles as she went so that she would slip into the shower once Felix’s waffles were ready. She was had just poured what would be a part of the third batch when Felix walked into the kitchen. He was dressed in yesterday’s recent dry-cleaned clothes but wore them casually. He had abandoned his tie and didn’t do all of his buttons. His hair was damp from the shower and was almost as long as it had been when Cassie had first seen him at The Bean House. An errant strand of hair fell over his face and Cassie was surprised at the amount of willpower it took her to not walk over and move it out of the way.

“Are you making pancakes?” He asked. Sapphire was the last person that had tried to make pancakes for him and he knew that Cassie meant well but he didn’t want to have any reminders of that crazy woman.

“No, waffles.” Cassie replied.

“You should take her on more walks.” He announced after looking down at Snowflake for a while. It was still mildly surprised and highly impressed that Cassie had taken the dog away from his mother. “She’s too restless.” With that, he exited the kitchen.

Not knowing whether that was supposed to be advice or some sort of jab with the kind of tone that he used, Cassie stared after him as he walked away before remembering that the waffle iron would burn the waffles if not closely monitored so she refocused her attention.

When she was done with the waffles, she stacked them on a plate, poured syrup over them, slid them over the table across to Felix and left for the shower. Too little too late, Felix pulled his eyes away from his phone and looked at the small tower of waffles before him and was immediately struck by how familiar it looked. A crudely drawn smiley face was drawn on top of the pile of waffle with chocolate syrup. It all felt vaguely familiar to him. Drawing smiley faces on surfaces was something that Rose did but he had a distinct memory of someone else serving him a stack of pancakes with a smiley face drawn on it. He proceeded to eat his meal very slowly in hopes that the taste or texture of it would jog his memory.

Felix was doing the dishes when Cassie came out of the bath. It had taken him so much time to finish breakfast because he had eaten every chunk with solemn purpose in case it could help him with his memory while fighting off Snowflake who wanted a bite of his waffle but couldn’t get any because of the chocolate it contained which was poisonous to dogs.

“You shouldn’t be doing that!” Cassie protested, her voice high pitched with panic. This was it. This was how she lost her job. First, she had let her boss fall asleep on a lumpy old couch. Then she had let him scrub off stains from her wall. And now, here he was doing the dishes; and not just the one he had used as he had also washed the bowl that Isabel had eaten with.


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