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The Billionaire and His PA novel Chapter 87

“I hope you’re proud of yourself, you fucking idiot.” Eliza mumbled.

“Don’t be so hard on him.” Cassie pleaded, rubbing her fingers over Felix’s knuckles.

Eliza scoffed. “That’s going to be hard considering how much of a fucking idiot he is. Next time, when a doctor asks if you’ve eaten, you don’t lie.”

Felix groaned in response and took another spoon of the bland pudding the hospital had given him. He had donated a pint of blood for Isabel, meeting all the requirements of a donor except for the nutritional aspect. As a donor, he was expected to have eaten a healthy, low fat, iron rich meal at least two hours before donating blood but apart from chamomile tea and a bagel for breakfast – and Cassie’s pussy for dinner – he hadn’t eaten anything. So after donating blood, he had stood up and immediately fell flat on his face. As the outstanding relative that Eliza was, she had taken multiple pictures of him, passed out before she had attempted to help. Luckily, after his head had collided with the ground, all he had sustained outwardly was a slight bump to his forehead and not a concussion. Still, the hospital had placed him in one of their recovery rooms for the time being.

Eliza poked his forehead bump and made to poke it again but Felix grabbed her finger before it made contact with his face a second time. “If you try that again, I’m going to break your finger.” He warned.

“But really, are you doing okay?” Cassie asked before Eliza could come up with a comeback.

“Because I still have to check up on Isabel.”

The sun had already started to peak out from beyond the horizon and Isabel was still in surgery. Daniel, not entirely sure of whether he should imitate Cassie by taking care of Felix or Eliza by making fun of him, had remained in the waiting room.

“I’m fine. Go.” Felix said. He watched Cassie leave the room and when he was sure that she was gone, he turned to Eliza. “Spit it out.”

Eliza raised a brow at him. “Are you delusional from the fall? What are you talking about?”

“I’m not the only one that’s hiding something.”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“I think you do, actually.” Felix said as he sat up and put the half empty cup of pudding on the table beside him. “You’ve been off ever since Cassie and I met you downstairs at the hotel. Don’t bother denying it. You’ve been snarky, I mean, snarkier all day. You have called me a fucking idiot multiple times in the past hour. What’s going on?”

Eliza sighed and lifted herself up to Felix’s bed. “I would have preferred to tell you this when you weren’t recovering from a fainting spell but since you insisted, I’m just going to go right ahead and say it. There is a strong possibility that Isabel’s your sister.”

Felix frowned at her. “Because we have the same blood type? Now you’re the fucking idiot.”

“I am not. Keep in mind that I said it was a strong possibility that she’s your sister. I didn’t come up with that hypothesis because of your similar blood type. It’s the resemblance.”

“She looks nothing like me.”

“I know that. Isabel looks exactly like her mother but she has the same eyes as you amongst other things. The same eyes as your father.”

“You’re giving me a headache, Eliza.” Felix said massaging his temple.

“Suck it up and listen to what I have to say. When we were at the ball, I bumped into Isabel, or rather, she bumped into me. At that moment, I was just struck with just how much she looked like her mother.”


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