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The Billionaires Desires novel Chapter 62

Nathan’s POV

Eight months, 

Two weeks, 

And two days…

That’s how long I’ve been stranded on this island with no chance of escape. It still feels like a dream, I mean, one day, I was living a perfect and enviable life and the next thing I know, I’m stranded on this island, being hunted like an animal.

After my near-death experience with those guys, I pleaded with Raymond to teach me how to defend myself, I want to be able to fight them off even when Raymond is not available. He cant come running to save me every time, when things get tough, I want to be able to stand and fight off these guys, I wan’t to hurt them as much as they have hurt me.

At first, he refused to train me, he said he was trained to serve the Trent's, not hitting them repeatedly in the name of training. I had to force him to do it, I practically ordered him to do it, threatening him to do it or forget about serving the Trent. I know, I should not have threatened his job, but I really want him to give in and train me, I’ll be completely helpless and stranded without him, I need to defend myself, I want to be able to protect Hilly when I get back home, I can’t have her looking at me like some weakling or something, she may be tortured and killed in my presence and I wouldn’t be able to do anything to save her, I can’t live like that, I simply can't.


She is the reason why I live and breathe, thinking about her has been my biggest motivation, I wake up every morning with renewed strength and hope because I always see her in my dream and she always assures me that everything is going to be okay. She tells me to stay strong and find my way back to her. In my dreams I always see her in our house, waiting for me as she promised. She always looks sad but when she sets her eyes on me, she pits her sadness away and welcomes me with a warm smile, telling me how much she has missed me. I miss her too, more than she can ever imagine. I’m not sure I would be alive today if I didn’t have her as a wife. Yes, it’s been Raymond that has been saving my ass on this island but I still wouldn’t have made it this far without her, she makes me think rationally, I fight so hard to survive because I want to go back home to her, I want to show her just how much I miss her and how much in love her. 

I hope I get back home on time, I hope I find her safe when I get back home. Ray has said that the bad guys were sending someone after her, he said they were going to kill her too, that is why he had urged me to train harder so I would have a chance at saving her when we get back home. He hasn’t said anything about her after that day, I never even bothered to ask him if he has any news about her, I’m sure he would tell me if there is anything wrong with her. He has never lied to me since I met him, he has kept to his promise to protect me and keep me away from danger. He trained me without holding back, teaching me how to defend myself and how to defeat an opponent without looking like a complete idiot and not getting beat up like a spineless weasel. 

We have been tracking the Schwartz brothers for the past three months. It’s been like a game of hide and seek between us, they keep searching for us all over the place while we kept running away from them, hiding in places where they would never have thought to find us, changing our hiding spot whenever they get close to us. One time we even hid at their campsite for days, disguising as one of them, they never noticed our presence until the day they decided to do a headcount and find out if any one of them was missing, injured, or dead. We created a distraction, setting their camp ablaze before running off into the woods again. We have been playing this game for so long and we now know all their schedules and routines.

We have searched everywhere on this island, there is no way to get out of here, except we can swim over three thousand miles through the open sea, battling numerous sea creatures that may or may not be dangerous to us. There is no way we are getting off this island, the only way out of here is to outsmart the Schwartz brothers and that is exactly what we are planning to do. We have taken our time to monitor the Schwartz brothers and we have studied all their routines and delivery plan. The aircraft brings in their supplies three times in a month, and they never default on their plans and timing. They are always punctual in their duties, they land on the beach, and offload their deliveries and then they set off, leaving the Schwartzs brothers to their mission.

We have their schedule, we have worked out the plans, all that’s left now is for us to carry out our plans, we are waiting for their arrival in two days, then we would hijack their plane and get off this island. We only need some disguises so we can blend in as one of the guys offloading their supply, when everyone is busy with their duties when nobody is looking, we would take out the pilot and other crew members, and then we are off, that’s the only way out. It’s risky, and the chances of success are very slim, but we are going on with it anyway. I don’t care if we get shot in the process, as long as I have a chance to see Hillary again, as long as I get out of this fucking island alive.


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