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The Contracted Ever After novel Chapter 578

Cordelia had figured Jordan would be a wreck after three years behind bars and squatting in Brenda's house. But nope, he was the total opposite. Dressed sharp, he looked like he belonged on Wall Street, not in a halfway house.

Determined to avoid him, she hurried into the school, shielding her face. Yet, out of the corner of her eye, she saw a young woman launching herself into Jordan's arms.

“Of course he’d clean up to reel in the college girls,” she thought, a note of disdain in her mind. “Nearly fifty and he's snagging girls in their twenties.”

She wondered what Brenda would make of all this, but stirring the pot wasn’t her style.

Back home, she fired off a message to Ms. Emily: “Hey Ms. Emily, I’m thinking of quitting the independent director role. I'm still new and struggling to keep up with the meetings. Plus, I want to focus my energy on teaching. What do you think? Sorry for the hassle.”

The reply came quick: “Cordelia, this job pays a cool two mil a year. Are you sure? You'll get the hang of it eventually. Or is there something else you're not telling me?”

“No, I’ve made up my mind. I really want to resign.”

“I'll have to run it by Mr. Evans.”

Ms. Emily pinged Ronan: “Mr. Evans, Cordelia wants to resign. Says she’s struggling with the meetings.”

Ronan, in the middle of sipping his rib soup, replied: “Absolutely not! She’ll catch up.”

Ms. Emily screenshotted Ronan's blunt refusal and sent it to Cordelia with a shrugging emoji and a concise message: “No dice.”

Cordelia was at her wit’s end.

She was convinced he was being a jerk, flaunting his relationship with Petra just to twist the knife in her heart. But Petra? Didn’t he know what kind of person she was?


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