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The Contracted Ever After novel Chapter 579

Cordelia's phone buzzed with a call from her mentor in the finance department, Professor Young. It seemed a bit strange—she'd just started at the university and had no idea why her mentor would need her so soon.

"Cordelia, if you have a moment, could you swing by the hospital for me? My little one’s come down with something serious, and I can't leave his side."

Cordelia’s concern was evident. "What happened?"

"Oh, it’s not about me—it’s one of our students, Daisy. It's a real soap opera mess—she got caught in bed with a married man. The scandal of it all. Ms. Haselwood, I’m really sorry to drag you into such a sordid affair."

"No worries, which hospital?" Cordelia asked.

"The maternity ward, it seems."

"The maternity ward? Alright, I’m on it." Cordelia thought she’d give her friend Victoria, a nurse at the maternity hospital, a call to get the room number.

Just as she was about to dial Victoria, her phone rang—it was Victoria on the other end.

"Cordelia, you won’t believe the drama at the hospital today. The wife caught the mistress and gave her a face like mashed potatoes, nearly scalded her you-know-where, and almost turned her husband into a eunuch. It’s wild, right? Now both of them are admitted—the guy’s named Jordan, and the woman’s Daisy."

Cordelia was speechless.

Talk about serendipity. The world truly was a small place.

"Their room numbers?"

"4025 and 4149. Wait, you’re not seriously coming to gawk, are you?"

"As if I need more drama." Cordelia hung up, chuckling.

Victoria had just heard about the incident; she hadn’t been there. Little did she know Cordelia had quite the appetite for hospital theatrics.

Upon arrival, Cordelia visited Daisy first, offering a teacher’s comfort.


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