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The Contracted Ever After novel Chapter 580

Jordan's phone buzzed, and with a sly grin, he held it up for Cordelia to see. She could only make out some document-like thing on the screen but couldn't see the details.

"Ronan's suing me for defamation, huh? Just my luck. When it rains, it pours, and now I'm out on my ear," he said. Then, like Daisy earlier, he pulled the covers over his head, muttering, "He's really got it in for me, but just you wait."

Cordelia headed to Victoria's office, where she found her colleague munching on a takeout burger.

"Still haven't had dinner?" Cordelia asked.

"You know how it is with us doctors," Victoria replied. "I never expected you'd actually show up for the drama. So, what's the scoop? Good show?"

"I'm not here for the drama. That girl is my student, and her mentor asked me to step in. That Jordan used to be my big boss until Ronan had him sent to the slammer. When he got out, he shacked up with a guy I know and took over his place. Now he's living in that apartment with my student," Cordelia recounted, her thoughts racing.

Last time, when Ronan casually suggested to Cordelia that Brenda should move out, it wasn't just idle talk. He was setting a trap for Jordan, knowing full well that Jordan would seek revenge once he was out of prison. So Ronan was leading him step by step into a deeper hole.

Ronan was a hard man to read.

If Cordelia wasn't wrong, Ronan would keep luring Jordan into traps until it was the end of him...

The thought sent chills down her spine.

"This is too complicated; I don't get it," Victoria said. "But what's the deal with your Ronan? Getting hitched out of the blue? And you say whatever you do now makes you 'the other woman.' But what if you were pregnant? What would Ronan do then?"

A light bulb went off in Cordelia's mind. That was an excellent idea!

Besides, she had been to the UK before. If Ronan wanted to be paranoid, she might as well play into it.

"Write me up a pregnancy report," Cordelia said.

"Are you serious or just faking it?" Victoria asked, her burger almost falling out of her mouth.


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