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Where We Belong novel (Ava and Blaze) Book 1 novel Chapter 33

Chapter 33

Following him like a lost puppy I jumped when he slammed the door shut behind us. My dad was a scary guy and even I was afraid of him. He always had a way with making you feel on edge. Like right now I couldn't stop chewing my lip.

"Why the fuck am I just hearing about that little fuck tard at the hospital?" He roared causing me to wince. "You come to me with that shit Ava. You could have been hurt" He said his voice growing softer.

"Nothing happen" I whispered watching his features soften. "I work with him dad and he didn't mean to hurt me. I guess I just bruise easily"

Watching his eyes change only then did I realised he wasn't talking about Josh.

"I'm talking about Vagos Ava but go on I'm intrigued to know what little faggot thinks it's okay to put there hands on my daughter" He growled slamming his fist of the table.

Great me and my big mouth. "It's okay I'm fine. Please don't do anything that could sacrifice my job".

The room grew quiet as we both just stared at each other. "That sleeze bag from Vagos is handled" He grinned causing my stomach to go woozy. What did he mean by handled? "The guy you work with touches you again and I'll cut off his hands. Now git and tell your mom to get her hot little ass in here".

"I'd rather not. She's pregnant for fuck sake. Give her a brake dad" I said watching the smile pull onto his face. "Why are you smiling?".

"No reason Ava but before you go make sure that friend of yours knows what she's getting into. You would have loved to have seen the shock on my face when I walked in on her and Cage" He laughed pulling out a cigarette.

Wincing I bit my lip "I witnessed it too" I groaned "I'm sorry I never asked you if she could come here".

"As long as she knows what she's getting into I don't give a fuck. Now get out and send your mom in".

Glaring at him he held up his hands "Chill your tits sweetheart. I need to speak with her".

"The usual?" Tim asked as I took a seat at the bar.

"Add a shot of whiskey in there too please".

Taking the shot I slammed the glass back onto the bar as I noticed Ally and Cage emerge from the kitchen. Looking right at me a blush spread across her cheeks. Glancing at Cage you couldn't wipe the smile from his face.

"Hey" she whispered taking a seat beside me.

"Hi" I replied taking a sip of my beer "when did you get here?" I asked

"I got off around 8. 30 and I tried calling but it kept going straight to voice mail. I'm sorry I came here without knowing if it was okay. Please don't hate me".

"Chill I don't hate you. I fell asleep and my phone probably ran out of battery" I said not needing to share with her that I had hot steamy sex with Blaze and he tired me out.

With the both of us falling into a comfortable silence I ordered another drink and one for Ally. "So Cage huh?" I asked watching her blush. This girl never blushes or gets embarrassed about anything. She's the most outspoken person I know. We'll apart from my dad.

"We fucked no big deal" she shrugged taking a sip of her beer.


"I thought Holly was coming" I asked Blaze suddenly popping into my head. Where had he went to?

"She got held up at the hospital. Probably won't show her face now. Anyway where's that hot piece of ass that showed up today for you?" She asked wiggling her eyebrows.  "Please tell me your hitting that?" And the blushing embarrassed girl was now gone.


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