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Where We Belong novel (Ava and Blaze) Book 1 novel Chapter 34

Chapter 34

"I'm not going to pry but if you need someone to talk to I'm here" Slipping her hand over mine she gave it a little squeeze.

"Suddenly I don't feel so drunk anymore" I sighed coming down from my high. We needed more shots.

"Me either. Shots?" She grinned stepping of the stool so she could use it to climb the bar. "Shots" I replied

An hour had passed and I was pissed as a fart. Everyone was back in the bar, the music blaring and all in all everyone was having a good time. We'll apart from me because Blaze hadn't returned yet.

"Cage is coming" I whispered watching Allys head snap up from where it was laying on the bar. "Fuck it I'm to wasted to care" Taking the last shot she drunk half of it before passing it to me "I can't have no more" She groaned as I took the rest of it.

"Hey hotness" Cage whispered as he snuck his arms around her waist and that was my que to leave. "Call me tomorrow" I said hopping of the seat and leaving her to it. Staggering in the direction of Blazes bedroom I stopped at the end of the bar and grabbed a bottle of Jack.

It couldn't hurt to get a little more wasted on my own could it?

"Ava darlin' are you alright?"

Turning round to face my dad I gave him two thumbs up "Just peachy old man" Turning away from him I continued on my way. Why hadn't he returned yet? Kicking the door shut behind me I staggered and fell onto the bed.

Sitting my back against his head rest I twisted the lid off the bottle. Who needs a glass right? Taking a sip from the bottle I winced as it burned down my throat. Pushing the bottle a side I undid the button on my jeans and pulled them off. Would he come home tonight?

Jolting awake I placed a hand over my mouth and ran to the bathroom. This was not good. Reaching the toilet I fell to my knees as the vomit kept coming. I was never drinking again. Leaning against the cold tiles I wiped my mouth. I still felt drunk.

After brushing my teeth I poured some cold water over my face before heading back to bed. I needed to sleep this off. Glancing at the clock it read 2am and the other side of the bed was still empty. Feeling my stomach drop I climbed back into bed. Turning on my side I never realised I was crying until I tasted the saltiness. As my eyes grew heavy I fought to keep them open so I could wait on him but lost.

Peeling my eyes open I winced as the sunlight coming through the wondow. I needed to remember and close the blinds at night. Rubbing my eyes I sat up my hands automatically going to my head. Fuck!! What the hell did I drink last night!? I felt as though I had been hit by a car, twice.  Groaning loudly I pulled the covers back and went straight for the bathroom. After taking care of business I searched my bag for a pair of pajama pants.

Walking into the bar area a laugh left my mouth as my eyes landed on Ally. She was still here?

"I'm dying" She moaned not even opening her eyes to look at me. "Snap" I groaned taking a seat beside her. "Good night but so not worth the hangover" Laying my head on the table I rubbed at my temples to try and ease the pain of this headache.

"Drink this"

He was back? Nice of him to show his fucking face!!

Sitting up I avoided looking at him and instead took the steaming cup of coffee. Once the smell reached my nose I felt the motion in my stomach. Oh shit. Placing it back on the table I high tailed it out of there and made way for the bathroom. Hearing the chuckle from Ally I flipped her off but kept on running.

Reaching the toilet I fell to my knees my arms hugging the bowl. Feeling a hand rub my back I groaned pushing it off. "D - don't... rub... my.. back" I stuttered feeling more and more coming up. Wiping at my mouth I rubbed my eyes and fell back against the cold tiles.

"Good night?" He asked

Ignoring him I pushed myself up and went to wash my face. How can he come back here and act like nothing happened? I wasn't going to fight with him I was too hungover for that. Drying my face on the towel I winced at the pounding in my head.

"Are you really going to ignore me?" He asked leaning against the wall leaving little room by the door for me to get by.

"Ssh" I groaned placing a hand over my face "Please just stop talking". I whispered sliding by his body so I could go back to bed. Not saying another word he followed me back to his room slamming the door behind us.


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