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Where We Belong novel (Ava and Blaze) Book 1 novel Chapter 54

Chapter 54

Is that all I was getting? Watching the different emotions show on my dads face I knew what ever caused him to do it was personal. " Why did you do it?" I asked not sure if I wanted to know the answer. Watching his eyes fall into slits and his lip pull back into a silent snarl I swallowed the lump that had formed in my throat. I never showed it well I tried not to but my dad scared the shit out of me. Whatever that guy had done still didn't sit well with him.

"We should start heading out Prez before it gets any later. I'll fill the guys in up state just in case we need them to ride back with us" Blaze pipped up my head snapping in his direction. No I wanted to know what that guy had done that caused my dad to serve 8 years. "We'll stop by your house and grab some things before we go".

"Make sure you call me when you get there and make sure you look after her". My dad said taking out another cigarette. So that was it? He wasn't going to tell me anything?

"I'm not leaving until I know what happened" I said folding my arms over my chest. Running a hand through his hair he cursed loudly before getting to his feet.

"Ava I don't-.."

"I want to know" I snapped cutting him off before he could finish.

"He took your mom" He roared slamming his fist into the wall causing a dent to appear. "He beat her to a pulp, I should have put a bullet in him when I had the chance". He growled. Gulping I blinked away my tears before they could fall. Remembering back to when I read those news articles online referring to my dad as a monster, he wasn't a monster. He was protecting the women he loved, the women I call mom. I didn't want to ask the question that was swimming around in my head but I had to know. "Did- did he touch her?" I stuttered my voice barely a whisper.

"No darlin' he just fucked her up really badly. No one messes with my family especially my wife and my daughter. Now you know the reason I worry so much about you, why I always have one of the guys on you". Standing from my seat I walked the short distance between us and threw my arms around him pulling him in for a hug. Feeling his arms tighten around me I lay my head against his chest. This was the first time since I had been here that I felt I had my dad back.

"Now I don't feel as guilty for killing the bastard" I snapped pulling back so I could clean my eyes. "I appreciate you looking after me and protecting me. I may not show it but you have to know I would probably be dead if it wasn't for you and the boys". It was true, I never admitted it to any one but I appreciated everything they did for me. "God knows what would have happened to me when I was in NewYork". Feeling my dad tense next to me I knew he knew what I was talking about.

"Be safe and do what Blaze tells you to do" My dad grunted. Letting my arms drop I took a few steps away from him. "And stay away from the guys up there" He ordered pulling out his phone. "Get going before its to late. Blaze I want a word". Leaving them to it I walked out into the bar area and took a seat on the stool.


Turning to face Kelsey I cursed when I realised I had forgot all about helping her. My head had been all over the place after what had happened. "Kelsey I'm sorry I completely forgot" I sighed rubbing a hand over my face. "How have you been? I can make a few phone calls and get you in by Monday if that's what you want?".

"I- I told him" She stuttered taking the empty seat beside me. Watching the tears fill in her eyes I knew it wasn't good news. "He- he said it wasn't his. Told me I was nothing but a biker whore and that the bastard child inside me could be anyone's" She croaked a sob falling from her lips.

I didn't know what to say. For one I didn't think Tim had it in him to speak to anyone like that never mind a girl. Guess it was the quiet ones you had to look out for. Taking a hold of her hand I gave it a gentle squeeze. "I will help you Kelsey but you have to make the decision about what you want to do. I have to leave tonight but I can sort it before I go or we can sort it all when I'm back". How does someone make that decision?

"I can wait until your back I'll just call some friends and see if I can stay with them for a few days. I can't stand to watch someone I love all over other girls". Glancing around the bar my eyes fell into slits when I saw a girl sat in Tims lap. Did he get patched in? He was usually behind the bar. Watching the broken girl beside me and then watching how Tim was acting made a new wave of anger curse through me. How does he know that childs not his? How can he say its not when he's been having sex with her? Balling my hands into fists I slipped of the bar stool about to march over there when Kelsey grabbed my arm.

"Please don't" She whispered her eyes wandering over to Tim and then settling back onto me. "Please Ava I don't want everyone to know what's going on". Gritting my teeth I ran a hand through my hair as I caught site of my dad and Blaze coming out of his office. "Go to the hospital tomorrow and ask for Ally. Tell her I sent you, she has a spare room and that's where you'll be staying until I get back".


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