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Where We Belong novel (Ava and Blaze) Book 1 novel Chapter 75

Chapter 75

"Really that's the best you can come up with?" I hissed totally against his idea.

"It's the best chance we got so suck it up".

I wanted to slap that grin right off his face. I knew he was enjoying this to much. His big plan was to wheel me out in one of the industrial bins that Ally had gone to find.

"I'm going for a smoke the sexual tension in here is to much for me to handle" Cage smirked as he snuck out the bathroom door.

"Fuck off Cage" There was no sexual tension what so ever unless you call wanting to punch him in the face sexual tension.

"What's wrong sweets? Scared to be alone with me?" He asked

"Why would I be scared to be alone with you?" Pushing myself of the bathroom wall I started to pace back and forth in front of the sinks.

Hearing him chuckle made my feet stop. What was he laughing at? I wasn't giving him the satisfaction of looking up.

"Do you really hate me that much you can't even fucking look at me?" He snapped.

"Is that what you think?" I asked finally looking at him.

"It's what I know Ava".

"I don't..-"

Hearing someone knock on the door cut me off. Who would be knocking on a bathroom door?

"Ava" Poking her head through the door she gave me the thumbs up. "You're going to have get in out here".

"This is ridiculous" I whispered "And I'm not doing it. Ally take it back to where ever the hell you got it from. I'm going back to work they aren't chasing me out of my work place".


"Don't sweets me I've had just about enough of this... Blaze get out of my way". I growled hating that he was taller than me and built like a wall of muscle. I was never getting by him.

"Get in the damn bin so I can get you home".

"I'm not getting in there and you can't make me now get out of my way".

"Trust me Ava I can make you now move before someone realises the toilets aren't actually out of order".

"I'll scream" I threatened

"Get in the fucking bin now" He spat the look he was giving made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.

"Why can't we just go out the front door? Ally could distract them in fact how do we know they are still here?"

"She does have a point Blaze" Ally answered

"Fine do what the fuck you want I'm out" He muttered walking out the door.

"Fine" I yelled storming my way out behind him only walking in the opposite direction. It was a stupid idea anyway and I was not climbing into a bin for no one.

"Ava glad I ran into you I have to leave family emergency. Patient in room 4 ground floor needs blood took, old lady in room 9 wants to speak to a doctor and Mr Jenkins is asking to see you. Sorry to leave you in the lurch but I have to go". Josh rambled sprinting of down the corridor leaving me with my mouth hanging open.

"Josh you can't just.... oh what's the bloody point" I sighed looking at the clipboard he had handed me. This was beginning to turn into the worst day ever. I didn't mind the extra work I was used to doing long hours but when it happens on short notice with so many other members of staff of sick it becomes tiring.

"Ava I....

"If you tell me you have to leave too so god help me I'll skin you alive" I joked bumping my shoulder against hers.

"Wow who pissed in your coffee? and no I don't have to leave I was just coming to let you know those cops left" Ally said looping her arm through mine. "You still pissed I called Blaze?".

"Not pissed he just gets under my skin and even after everything I still don't have it in me to hate him".

"Maybe that's a sign?"

"A sign for what?" I asked coming to a stop "Don't say what I think you're going to say".

"Well the sexual tension is crazy between you two and he has it so bad for you. Come on I want chocolate"..

Not her too with the sexual tension...

"You and Cage spend way to much time together". Putting some money into the machine I pressed from a snickers bar. If I was going to be here all day and night I was going to need some energy.

"We call it how we see it and trust me Ava everyone sees it".

"See's what Ally? What do they see? A guy that hurt me? A cheater? A lying son of a bitch? No of course not all they see is the cut he wears. There is nothing between us but hatred". I snapped hating how much talking about him angered me.

"I thought you didn't hate him?" She asked bending down to retrieve her chocolate.

"Can we just drop it please?" I didn't want to talk about him. I wanted to get on with my day without anymore drama.

"Want to know what I see?"


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