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A Journey from Bitterness to Truth (Matilda and Yvan) novel Chapter 383

Eugene's ordeal was crystal clear in Matilda's mind. She nodded, "What's up?"

"Nothing... It's nothing." Logan's eyes flickered with an odd gleam, quickly masked by an innocent facade. He flashed Matilda a grin, "Just asking."

What was the connection between Eugene and... that mentor he met online?

Logan couldn't shake the feeling that a vast mystery loomed behind it all, and perhaps, he was holding onto a thread that might lead him to unravel the truth.


Half a month after Matilda's stitches were removed, she was ready to leave the hospital.

Her departure was marked by a frosty demeanor, her inherent aloofness undiminished even by amnesia.

When Yvan came to see her off, a simple, indifferent "No need" from her halted him.

Yvan watched her go, pain in his gaze, "Matilda, I know I owe you a lot. Please, don't deny me a chance to make amends..."

"Chances were never mine to give."

After a long silence, Matilda left with Logan, "Mr. Boyd, I may have forgotten our past, but since it's behind us, let's not dredge it up again."

She said to leave the past behind.

Her statement of forgetting wasn't just about past pains; it included lost love as well...

Even now, she wouldn't offer him a forgiving glance.

Yvan watched Matilda's retreating figure, her frame slender from trials endured, her soul battered and bruised. He wondered, what about her kept him so ensnared, making life without her unbearable?


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