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A Journey from Bitterness to Truth (Matilda and Yvan) novel Chapter 415

"Nothing serious," Logan replied with a nonchalant shrug, his eyes calm and unfazed, leaving Matilda unable to detect any hint of distress.

Everyone around them seemed to be playing it cool, except Yvan, who was visibly torn apart.

He finally understood the frustration Matilda must have felt back when she tried so hard to win him over, only to remain endlessly out of reach.


After his birthday had officially ended, Logan and Matilda had a proper celebration in the hospital room. Matilda had brought a handmade cupcake, and together, they made wishes. Carl, standing outside, snapped some pictures and later sent them to Yvan. The office-bound man, upon receiving the photos, felt a pang of sourness in his heart.

He realized that he would never truly be part of their world.

The day after, Logan was assigned a school project which required collaboration with his father, including a drawing. Logan agreed but felt irritated about it later on. He shared his dilemma with Matilda, who suggested, "Why not just ask someone to play the part?"

It made sense to Logan, who immediately called Adrian. Adrian was lounging at home, engrossed in video games. Seeing Logan's call, he eagerly ditched the controller and answered, "What's up, Logan? Need something?"

Logan asked directly, "Adrian, my homework requires a dad's involvement. Would you come and play my dad?"

Adrian's eyes lit up, and he replied enthusiastically, "Of course! Shoot me your address!"

Twenty minutes later, Adrian spotted Logan waiting at the mall entrance. The boy was dressed in a miniature suit, looking like an adorable doll. Adrian sometimes wished Logan was his own son.


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