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A Journey from Bitterness to Truth (Matilda and Yvan) novel Chapter 416

Yvan couldn't believe his eyes, thinking he must be seeing things. But after hesitating by the window for a moment, he realized it was indeed Logan and Adrian.

The two of them, one tall and one not so, were chatting and laughing together. Adrian was doodling on Logan's notebook one second and pinching Logan's cheek the next.

And there was Yvan's son, who had always resisted his attempts at closeness, now snugly nestled against another man, both of them in high spirits and completely oblivious to Yvan passing by on the street.

Yvan watched for a moment, feeling like a fool, and then walked away. He had come to the bakery to pick up some cakes for Matilda and Logan, but now, it seemed pointless.

As Yvan reached the underground parking, he passed a trash can and threw the bag of freshly bought pastries into it with force, as if venting some frustrated rage.

He then made his way to his car, opened the door, and started the engine but didn't press the gas pedal. Instead, he sat there, gripping the steering wheel tightly, his expression distant and pained.


Adrian and Logan had finished writing a family journal together and had even drawn a family portrait. Logan, looking at Adrian's drawing style, complimented him, "Did you ever take drawing lessons?"

"A long time ago, when I was a kid," Adrian replied without looking up. "My family wanted me to excel in everything - music, chess, literature, art - but I was always just average. I rebelled halfway through and quit."

Logan chuckled. "No wonder you're such a free spirit."

After packing up, Adrian asked, "Hungry?"

"Not yet. Let's grab some hotpot later," Logan suggested, always relaxed around Adrian, "I'm in the mood for something spicy."

Adrian's blue eyes seemed to sparkle like the ocean when he smiled and agreed.

An hour later, Adrian, carrying bags, and Logan arrived at a popular hotpot restaurant. "This place has the best spicy bullfrog," Adrian said.


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