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A Journey from Bitterness to Truth (Matilda and Yvan) novel Chapter 430

Logan stuck out his tongue, "Got a bit lost looking for the restroom, so it took a while, but hey, I'm fine, no worries!"

Matilda gently touched Logan's face, "You can't afford any more mishaps, you know. If something happened to you, mom would probably lose her mind."

Logan wrapped his arms around Matilda's, "Alright, I get it. You're the most important person to me too. I'll make sure to keep you safe."

Matilda thought Logan was just sweet-talking her, but she didn't realize that in the days to come, this seemingly frail boy would truly possess a magical strength, protecting her under his wings, becoming her greatest shelter.

They boarded the plane forty minutes later. Logan was quite during the flight. When a flight attendant reminded him to lower his tray table, he responded with a polite "Thank you," charming the attendant with his manners, prompting her to say with a smile, "You're such a well-behaved young man."

The flight attendant then turned to Matilda, "Ma'am, your son is absolutely adorable."

"Thank you," Matilda replied, while Logan's actions earned them looks and praise from those around.

A few rowdy kids were still causing a ruckus, their parents neglecting to intervene. The surrounding passengers raised their voices intentionally, making sure those parents heard -

"Look at that child, then look at some people. It's clear their upbringing is worlds apart."

"Exactly, both kids are raised in the same world, yet one is calm and polite while the others are so noisy. Clearly, a lack of parenting."

"It's like comparing night and day."

The noisy kids' parents turned pale upon hearing these comments, immediately shushing their children to avoid further embarrassment.

As the plane took off and finally settled into quiet, everyone sat back, flying over the ocean, crossing into another land.

Once off the plane, Matilda woke Logan up, and they queued for their luggage. Grabbing their bags, they headed out, only to see a tall man waiting in the arrival hall. Before they could get closer, Matilda heard a young girl exclaim in surprise, "Look! That man over there is so handsome!"

"Totally gives off a CEO vibe, looks like a model."


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