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A Journey from Bitterness to Truth (Matilda and Yvan) novel Chapter 509

Logan was holed up in his room, deep in a video call with his mentor, dissecting lines of code like a surgeon. Outside, Matilda and Chloe were engrossed in a heated game of poker, their laughter and teasing filling the air. Meanwhile, Godfrey was the master of the kitchen, orchestrating a symphony of flavors for dinner. Amidst the clinking of chips and the shuffling of cards, Criss and Eugene exchanged bewildered glances.

"How did you lose money already?"

"And you're one to talk? You're broke too!"

A brief silence fell between the two brothers before they turned their suspicions towards Matilda and Chloe, "Are you two cheating?"

Chloe, clutching her cards close, let out a triumphant laugh, "Blaming your lack of skill on cheating, huh?"

Criss, his pride wounded, was quick to challenge, "Let's go again! There's no way I can't win at least once!"

The living room was alive with banter and laughter when suddenly, the doorbell rang.

Matilda set her cards down and went to answer the door, finding Adrian on the doorstep, arms laden with goodies, his smile reaching his eyes, "Hey! Thought I'd drop by for dinner!"

Matilda sized him up, "You never visit without a reason. What's up?"

"Just wanted to share a meal," Adrian said, pushing the gifts into her arms, "Couldn't come empty-handed."

As Matilda juggled the assortment of items Adrian brought, he made himself at home, kicking off his shoes and greeting Eugene and Criss lounging on the couch.

"Hey, Mr. Simpson!"

Eugene greeted back, "Fancy seeing you here."

"Mr. Eugene," Adrian replied, offering them a light, "Didn't expect to find you guys here for dinner too."


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